Hosea 10:12. Sow to yourselves in righteousness. reap in mercy: break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

THE figurative language of Scripture may in some cases obscure its import: but, when it is explained, it exhibits the plainest truths in a rich variety of forms, and tends to fix them on our minds by its attractive influence. We pray God that this observation may be verified, while we open the passage now before us, and consider,

I. The duty enjoined—

The three first expressions are explained by the prophet himself as collectively importing, that we should “seek the Lord:” but, separately taken, they point out the particular manner in which we should seek him:

1. In the performance of his will—

[Though no man ever hopes to reap wheat, where he has sowed only tares, almost all expect to obtain heaven, notwithstanding they have never made it the one object of their pursuit. But the Apostle guards us against this fatal error, and assures us, that we shall reap according to what we have sowed [Note: Galatians 6:7.]. Would we then have a joyful harvest in the day of judgment, let us not be provoking God by a life of sin; but turn to him in the way of righteousness; nor let us regard the duties of the first or second table only; but labour to fulfil all his will uniformly and without reserve.]

2. In a dependence on his mercy—

[As there are many who hope to find acceptance with God, notwithstanding they seek him not at all, so are there many, who think they make God their debtor by the works they perform; and that they can earn heaven, as it were, by their own righteousness. But, however we may “sow in righteousness,” we must “reap in mercy.” Death is the wages of sin: but life is not the wages of righteousness; all our righteousnesses are imperfect [Note: Isaiah 64:6.]: our best deeds are mixed with sin: and therefore we must be contented to accept heaven as the unmerited gift of God through Jesus Christ [Note: Romans 6:23.Philippians 3:9.]

3. In a due preparation of heart to receive his blessings—

[It would be in vain for a man to sow his seed on fallow ground. The very rains, which God might send down upon it, would be of no service, if the ground were not purged of its weeds, and the seed buried in the bosom of the earth. Thus neither can the soul make a just improvement of spiritual blessings, unless it be broken up, as it were, by the divine law. Till this be done, the true way of salvation will appear foolishness. To be diligent in working righteousness, and, after all, to depend on mere mercy, will be thought paradoxical and absurd. But, when once the law is brought home to the conscience in its spirituality and extent, the soul is made willing to submit to the righteousness of God; and yet is induced to purify itself even as God is pure. It was by this means that St. Paul was brought to a right mind [Note: Romans 7:9.]; nor is there any other way of combining diligence in exertion with an humble dependence on the Divine favour [Note: Galatians 2:19; Romans 7:4.]

For the impressing of this duty on our minds, let us consider,


The arguments with which it is enforced—

Confining ourselves to the hints suggested in the text, we shall pass by many obvious and important arguments, and fix our attention upon,

1. The urgency of this duty—

[At the proper seasons the husbandman goes forth to plough or sow his ground, knowing that, if his work be neglected till the time for performing it be past, he shall have reason to repent of his neglect in the day of harvest. Let it be remembered then, that this is the “time to seek the Lord.” Are we advanced in years? Surely we have no time to lose. Are we in the early part of life? What time so fit as that of youth, before our habits be fixed, or our consciences seared, or our minds distracted by worldly cares? As for aged persons, their lives must be drawing to a speedy close: or, if protracted for a while, a want of mental energy will unfit their souls for spiritual exertions. And, with respect to those who are in the midst of youth, for aught they know, there may be “but a step between them and death.” If any feel a disposition to serve the Lord, this is in a peculiar manner the time for them to seek his face. The very desire they feel, is an evidence that God himself is working in them [Note: Philippians 2:13.], and ready to reveal himself to them: whereas, if they stifle the motions of his Spirit, they know not that the grace they so despise shall be ever offered them again [Note: Genesis 6:3.]. Let us then “redeem the time” that is so precious [Note: Ephesians 5:16.], and improve the season which God has afforded us fur this important work.]

2. The certainty of success in it—

[The husbandman knows, that if his seed be not watered by seasonable rains, his labour will be wholly lost: yet, notwithstanding he cannot command the showers, lie performs his labour, in hope that God will graciously send the former and the latter rain. But we have an absolute promise, that God will prosper our endeavours, and that, “to him who soweth righteousness shall be a sure Reward [Note: Proverbs 11:18.].” Do we want a righteousness to justify us before God? He will clothe us in the unspotted robe of the Redeemer’s righteousness [Note: Isaiah 61:10.]. Do we want an inward righteousness to qualify us for the enjoyment of his presence? He will work it in us by his good Spirit, and transform us into his own blessed image [Note: Ezekiel 36:26.]. Yea, he will “rain down righteousness upon us,” giving us “abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness [Note: Romans 5:17.].” Let this then encourage us; for “none ever sought his face in vain [Note: Isaiah 45:19.].”]


[Let us begin the first great work, the ploughing up of our fallow ground. We need not be told either the necessity or the reasonableness of this work in husbandry: and a very small acquaintance with the corruption and obduracy of an unrenewed heart, will supersede any attempts to evince the same in the cultivation of the soul. Only let it be remembered, that nothing but the law, opened in all its spirituality, and applied in its awful sanctions, can ever effect this work. Let us study it more and more. Let us try ourselves by it. Let us bring our actions, words, and thoughts to it as to a touchstone. Let us use it for the rooting out of all false principles, and base affections. Thus shall our seed be sown to more advantage [Note: Jeremiah 4:3.]; and a glorious harvest await us in the day of the Lord Jesus [Note: James 4:9.]

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