Isaiah 19:20. They shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and He shall send them a Saviour, and a great One, and he shall deliver them.

GOD usually vouchsafes his mercies when we are reduced to the greatest straits. This is manifest in his most remarkable dispensations of providence and of grace. In the greatest extremity God promised to send a deliverer to Egypt [Note: In this view it seems applicable to the angel who slew 185,000 of Sennacherib’s army: for, though that deliverance was more immediately vouchsafed to the Jews under Hezekiah, yet in its consequences it extended to Egypt. Sennacherib had before conquered and ravaged Egypt; and it was most probable that if he had taken Jerusalem be would have again proceeded thither with his victorious army, and reduced that already desolated kingdom to the lowest ebb of misery. But perhaps there may be a further reference to some other deliverers.]. But there is a further reference to Christ as the Saviour of the Gentile world [Note: This appears from the whole context, ver. 18–25.]; and it is in seasons of heavy dejection that He reveals himself to them: to him therefore we must look as the Saviour foretold in the text.

I. In what respects He is “a great Saviour”—

It is justly said by the Psalmist that “his greatness is unsearchable [Note: Psalms 145:3.]; nevertheless we may, not unprofitably, endeavour to illustrate it.

He is great when considered in his own person

[He has a name above every name either on earth or in heaven. He is exalted to be a Prince that can give repentance and remission of sins [Note: Acts 5:31.]. The voice of inspiration calls him, “the great God and our Saviour [Note: Titus 2:13.].” He speaks of himself in terms of similar import [Note: Isaiah 45:22.]; nor can any thing be more glorious than the description given of him by the prophet [Note: Isaiah 9:6.]. This Saviour, “though a man, thinks it not robbery to be equal with God [Note: Philippians 2:6.].” He is “God manifest in the flesh [Note: 1 Timothy 3:16.],” even “God over all blessed for ever [Note: Romans 9:5.].”]

He is also great in respect of the salvation he has wrought out for us

[Who can count the number of the sins from which he has delivered us? — — — or estimate the misery from which he has redeemed us? — — — Through our whole lives we have been heaping up treasures of wrath [Note: Romans 2:5.]. Yet is there no condemnation to us if we be interested in him [Note: Romans 8:1.]; besides, he has purchased for us an eternal inheritance in heaven. Who can estimate all that is there enjoyed? — — — We must know all the glories of heaven and the horrors of hell, before we can fully appreciate the greatness of his salvation.]

But before we speak peace to ourselves, it becomes us to inquire,


For whose deliverance he is sent—

Great as his mercy is, it will not indiscriminately extend to all. They, for whose relief he comes, are “oppressed” with the burthen of sin—
[The generality, alas! are well contented with their bondage. If he should offer to deliver them, they would thrust him from them, as the Israelites of old did their saviour Moses [Note: Acts 7:37; Acts 7:39.]. But there are some who mourn like the saints of old [Note: Isaiah 6:5.Romans 7:24.]. They desire nothing so much as to be delivered from their corruptions — — — For these Jesus came down from heaven, and died upon the cross — — — Nor, though they be lawful captives, will he leave them in the hand of their enemies [Note: Isai. 48:24. 25.]

They at the same time “cry earnestly to the Lord” for deliverance—
[There are some, it must be confessed, who are uneasy in their sins, yet do not with fervour and constancy implore his mercy [Note: Psalms 32:3.Hosea 7:14.] — — — Such therefore, notwithstanding their uneasiness, obtain no help from him. His mercy is promised to those alone who seek it with importunity [Note: Matthew 7:7; Ezekiel 36:37.]. But humble and believing suppliants shall never be rejected by him — — — They shall find him a great, compassionate, and all-sufficient Saviour — — —]


[Are any among you unconcerned about their sins? O! reflect on your state. Would God have sent you such a Saviour, if your condition had not required it? Or, will you take occasion from this stupendous grace, to live more securely in your sins? O! consider that your cries, however available now, will soon, if delayed, become of no effect [Note: Luke 16:24.].

Are others of you conflicting with sin and Satan? Lift up your heads with joy. However desperate your state may seem, your redemption draweth nigh, nor shall all the powers of darkness rescue you from your Redeemer’s hands [Note: John 10:28.].

Are there here any who have experienced deliverance? Adore your Lord, and go on, “strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Only commit yourselves entirely to him, and you shall join in eternal Hallelujahs to God and to the Lamb.]

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