Proverbs 29:18. Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the Law, happy is he [Note: This brief sketch is given as an useful subject for a Mission Sermon. The contrast between Heathens in an ignorant and in a converted state would be very striking.].

THROUGHOUT the whole Scriptures, we have one unvaried testimony respecting man. We see, in every part,

I. The deplorable state of those who know not the Gospel—

Revelations to the prophets were often made in visions: and hence the subject-matter of the revelation was called their “vision.” Now, where no revelation is, or where, though given, it is not attended to, “the people perish”—
[This is the unhappy state of the heathen world, who are constantly represented as dead in trespasses and sins, and as under the dominion of Satan [Note: Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 2:11.Romans 3:19; 1 John 5:19. We have no authority to depart from the plain declarations of Holy Writ.] — — — Still more is this the state of God’s ancient people, whilst they reject the Messiah [Note: Isaiah 27:11.Hosea 4:6; John 8:24.] — — — But far worse is the state of those who hear, without obeying, the Gospel [Note: John 15:22. 2 Corinthians 4:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Hebrews 2:3.1 Peter 4:17.] — — —]


The blessedness of those who hear and obey it—

Our Lord pronounces them supremely blessed [Note: Luke 11:28.]. And there is somewhat very emphatical in the declaration of it contained in our text—

[Those who truly believe in Christ, and live altogether by faith on him, “are happy.” They are so, as restored to God’s favour [Note: Romans 5:1.]— — — as enjoying his presence [Note: Psalms 89:5.]— — — as inheriting his glory [Note: Revelation 22:14.]— — —]

Observe from hence—

The importance of missionary exertions [Note: Romans 10:13; Romans 10:17.] — — —

2. The importance of improving our present privileges—

[On the due improvement of them depends both our present [Note: Mark the latter clause of the text.] and eternal happiness — — —]

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