Proverbs 4:18. The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

HABITS, of whatever kind, are strengthened by exercise; the more congenial they are with our natural feelings, the more easily are they confirmed. Hence the wicked, without any express purpose on their part, are daily more and more riveted to the world and sin. The righteous too increase in love to the ways of God in proportion as they endeavour to fulfil his will. They have indeed a bias, which, if they were left to themselves, would soon turn them aside. But God will not leave them destitute of needful succour: he pledges himself that their path shall resemble the shining light. This is found true by happy experience. Their path is,

I. Beautiful in its appearance—

The rising sun is as beautiful an object as any in the whole creation—
[At its first approach it tinges the distant clouds with light. On its first appearance it gilds the summits of the woods and mountains: then, dispelling all the shades of night, it illumines the whole horizon. How delightful is this to every one that beholds it [Note: Ecclesiastes 11:7.]!]

Thus is the path of the righteous exceeding beautiful—
[“The just” are they who are renewed and sanctified by the Spirit of God. Their path in the very outset is beautiful to behold. Their simplicity of mind, and teachableness of spirit, endear them to us; their lowliness and humility attract the notice of the very angels themselves [Note: Luke 15:10.]. The fervour of their love engages both our admiration and esteem. The very shades in their character serve as a contrast to shew the excellence of the change that has passed upon them. As they proceed their graces are more matured. Their course is justly described by the Apostle Paul [Note: Philippians 4:8.]. Surely such a conduct must be beautiful in the eyes of God and man. They are justly spoken of as “beautified with salvation [Note: Ps. 169:4]: they even reflect a lustre upon the Gospel itself [Note: Titus 2:10.]

While their path is so amiable, it resembles the light further, in that it is


Beneficial in its influence—

The sun does not shine with unproductive splendour—
[It enables the several orders of men to return to their respective callings. In the darkness they could not go without stumbling [Note: John 11:9.]; but now they follow their occupations without fear or difficulty. The productions of the earth also feel the genial influence of the sun, and are matured by means of its invigorating beams.]

Nor is the Christian unprofitable in his course—
[The wicked are stumbling on every side of him [Note: Proverbs 4:19.]; but the Christian affords a light to the benighted souls around him [Note: Matthew 5:14.]. He shines in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation [Note: Philippians 2:15.]: he is an epistle of Christ, known and read of all men [Note: 2 Corinthians 3:2.]. The account given of Job, describes his course, as far as his situation and circumstances will allow [Note: Job 29:11.]. Thus by his conduct he puts to silence the ignorance of foolish men [Note: 1 Peter 2:15.]. He even wins some, perhaps, whom the word alone would never have converted [Note: 1 Peter 3:1.], and causes many to glorify his heavenly Father [Note: Matthew 5:16.]

The comparison yet further holds, in that the path of the just, like that of the sun, is,


Constant in its progress—

The sun invariably pursues its wonted course—
[From the instant it rises, it hastens toward the meridian. Sometimes indeed its splendour is intercepted by clouds, and sometimes it may be partially, or even totally eclipsed; still, however, it proceeds in its appointed path, and is sure to arrive at its meridian height.]
The Christian too goes forward towards perfection—
[He never rests as though he had attained the summit [Note: Philippians 3:12.]. He determines to be ever pressing forward for higher attainments [Note: Philippians 3:13.]. He may indeed for a season be involved in clouds: yea, perhaps, he may through the violence of temptation, suffer an eclipse: but, if he be really “just” and upright, his light shall break forth again. God has ensured this by a solemn promise [Note: Job 17:9.]. Jeremiah illustrates it by the very allusion in the text [Note: Jeremiah 31:33.]: nor is this progress the privilege of some only [Note: Philippians 1:6.]. David speaks of it as belonging to Israel of old [Note: Psalms 84:7.]. Paul represents it as enjoyed by every true Christian [Note: 2 Corinthians 3:18.]: and Peter shews us whence this stability proceeds [Note: 1 Peter 1:5.]. None indeed arrive at absolute perfection in this life [Note: 1 Corinthians 13:9.]: but soon the just will be changed into Christ’s perfect image [Note: 1 John 3:2.Philippians 3:21.], and shine above the sun in the firmament for ever and ever [Note: Daniel 12:3 and Matthew 13:43.]


For conviction—

[We are in a world that lieth in darkness and the shadow of death; and, if we be Christians indeed, we are shining as lights in a dark place. Do our consciences testify that this is the case with us? Are we examples of holiness to those of our own age and rank? Do we reprove all works of darkness, instead of having fellowship with them [Note: Ephesians 5:11.]? If not, how can we ever be numbered among the just? Shall we say that we once were such, but are now under a cloud? Or that our light is at the present eclipsed! Let us beware lest we prove only as a fleeting meteor. Our light must be steady and increasing, like that of the sun. The tree is known by its fruit; and the just by their light [Note: Ephesians 5:8.]; and a false profession will deceive us to our eternal ruin [Note: 1 John 1:6; 1 John 2:9; 1 John 2:11.]

2. For consolation—

[There are many true Christians who do not enjoy much comfort, and the darkness of their minds sometimes makes them doubt whether they be upright before God; but they often write bitter things against themselves without a cause. Distress, whether temporal or spiritual, argues nothing against our integrity. Job never shone brighter than in his trouble; nor Christ, than in the depths of his dereliction. Let him then that is in darkness, stay himself upon his God [Note: Isaiah 50:10.]. It is to such persons that God sends us with words of comfort [Note: Isaiah 35:3.]. To them in particular is that delightful declaration addressed [Note: Isaiah 54:7.]. Wait then the Lord’s leisure, ye afflicted souls, and trust in him. Soon shall your “light rise in obscurity, and your darkness be as the noon-day;” nor will God be glorified less in your patience, than in more active services.]

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