Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae
Psalms 32:11
Psalms 32:11. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.
THERE is in this world, as there will also be in the eternal state, an inconceivable distance between the righteous and the wicked. The Psalmist tells us, that “many sorrows shall be to the wicked:” and so we find it to be, from universal experience. For, where is there an ungodly man, who does not feel within him an aching void, which the world can never fill? — — — Whose mind is not agitated with tormenting passions, which prove a source of disquiet both to himself and to those around him? — — — Who feels not a consciousness of unpardoned guilt; and a dread of that tribunal, before which he is shortly to appear? — — — On the other hand, the Psalmist assures us, that “the man who trusts in the Lord is encompassed with mercy all around:” he is happy in the favour of his God, in the subjugation of his passions, in the exercise of all holy affections, and in the prospect of everlasting felicity. Hence he adds, “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart!”
That we may enter into the spirit of his words, I will endeavour to set before you,
I. The character here addressed—
“The righteous” are delineated in the Scriptures, sometimes by one peculiarity, and sometimes by another. The character here assigned them is peculiarly worthy of our consideration, because it is such as the most ungodly man upon earth must, in theory at least, approve. The whole world unites in applauding integrity, as exercised towards man: but here we shall be led to view it as exercised towards God. Now, “the upright” man is one,
1. Whose desire after God is supreme—
[Nothing ought to stand in competition with God: we should love him with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength. More especially should we pant after God as reconciled to us in Christ Jesus, “counting all things but loss for the knowledge of him,” and saying, with the Psalmist, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee [Note: Philippians 3:8; Psalms 73:25.]” — — —]
2. Whose affiance in him is entire—
[No man, who has not been taught of God, can conceive how difficult it is to divest ourselves of self-righteousness and self-dependence, These evils cleave more closely to us than the flesh to our bones. When we think that we are freed from them, we shall still find the workings of them in our hearts. But the truly upright person “renounces all confidence in the flesh [Note: Philippians 3:3.];” and, like the Apostle, “desires to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness, which is of the Law, but the righteousness which is of God by faith in Christ.” He considers “all fulness as treasured up in Him” for the use of his Church and people; and from His fulness he desires to receive all the supplies which he stands in need of, whether of “wisdom, or righteousness, or sanctification, or redemption.”]
3. Whose devotion to him is unreserved—
[The upright has given up himself as a living sacrifice to Christ [Note: Romans 12:1.]. He would not have any lust unmortified; nor would he retain any thing that should stand in competition with his duty. Even life itself is regarded as of no value, in comparison of Christ, and the glory of his name — — —
Any thing less than this is hypocrisy: but to possess this character is to be “an Israelite indeed, and without guile.”]
To these persons I will now address,
The exhortation—
To rejoice in the Lord is your high privilege. Let me, then, exhort you to rejoice in him,
I. On account of what he has already done for you—
[Here I might speak of “the sorrows” from which you are delivered, and of the mercies with which you are encompassed: but I will rather confine myself to that peculiar blessing vouchsafed to you, the being made “upright before God.”
Who amongst the children of men ever attained this character by any power of his own? No: whosoever possesses it, must say, “He that hath wrought me to the self-same thing, is God [Note: 2 Corinthians 5:5.].” Consider, then, how great a blessing this is — — — In comparison of it, crowns and kingdoms would be of no value. For this gift, therefore, you should bless and adore your God with your whole hearts, yea, and shout for joy with your whole souls.]
2. On account of what he has engaged to do for you—
[Would you have stability in life? He has promised it in his blessed word: “The righteous shall hold on his way; and he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger [Note: Job 17:9.]. Would you have peace in death? This, also, he has engaged to give: “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace [Note: Psalms 37:37.].” Would you have glory in eternity? This, also, shall be your assured portion at the right hand of God [Note: Psalms 15:1; Psalms 24:3.] — — —
Is not here, then, abundant cause for joy and thanksgiving? Verily, “if you hold your peace, the very stones will cry out against you.”]
3. On account of his sufficiency to fulfil all his engagements—
[Whom has Jesus ever suffered “to be plucked out of his hands?” — — — There is in him no want of power: “He is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Nor is he changeable in will: for “he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.” “Of those whom the Father hath given him, he never has lost any,” nor ever will — — —]
To those who possess not this character, I would say, Seek to attain it—
[Be not satisfied with integrity towards man, but seek to have an upright heart towards God. Let there be no hypocrisy harboured within you. See to it, that your desire after God be really supreme — — — that your affiance in Christ be altogether unmixed with any measure of hope or confidence in yourselves — — — and that your devotion to him be without reserve — — — Cease not, till you have in your own hearts and consciences an evidence that you are thus given up to God: and then may you claim, at his hands, the blessings which he has promised to the upright in heart [Note: Psalms 112:2.] — — — But deceive not your own souls. Rest not in false appearances of any kind: but beg of God to make you altogether what he himself will approve.]
2. To those who possess this character, I would say, Live in the enjoyment of your privilege—
[It is your privilege to “rejoice even with joy unspeakable and glorified.” Be not satisfied with a low and drooping state of mind. Live nigh to God: let your fellowship with him be more intimate and more abiding. It is not his will that your graces should languish, or your joys be at a low ebb. He would rather that your soul, through a sense of his presence, should be ever “shouting” for joy. See the state of the Church as drawn by the prophet Isaiah [Note: Isaiah 12:4.]: see it as drawn by David also [Note: Psalms 98:4.]: and let your present life be, as God would have it, an earnest and a foretaste of the heavenly bliss.]