Psalms 36:9. With thee is the fountain of life; in thy light shall we see light.

BY a sober consideration of Scripture metaphors we obtain a more full and comprehensive knowledge of divine truth, than could easily be obtained from the most laboured discussions. Besides, the ideas suggested by them strike the mind so forcibly, that they cannot fail of making a deep and lasting im pression. Let us but notice the rich variety of figures whereby the Deity is set forth in the passage before us, and we shall be filled with admiring and adoring thoughts of his goodness. The Psalmist, illustrating the loving-kindness of his God, represents him first under the image of a hen gathering her chickens; then as an opulent host feasting his guests with the richest dainties; and then, in a beautiful climax, he compares him to the sun.
In our text there is no confusion of metaphor, as there would be if the former part referred to a fountain, and the latter to the sun. It is the sun alone that is spoken of: for that is the fountain both of light and life: and in discoursing upon it, we observe, that,

I. Christ is an inexhaustible source of all spiritual good—

Christ may be considered as peculiarly referred to in the metaphor before us—
[It is in Christ only that the perfections mentioned in the foregoing verses are combined [Note: ver. 5, 6.]. It is in him only that God unites justice with mercy [Note: Romans 3:26.], or adheres, in faithfulness, to his covenant engagements [Note: 2 Corinthians 1:20.]. Besides, it is in this view that Christ is set forth throughout all the sacred oracles, by prophets [Note: Isaiah 60:1.Malachi 4:2.], by Apostles [Note: John 1:4; John 1:9; Luke 2:32; 2 Peter 1:19.], and more especially by himself [Note: John 8:12; John 12:46.] — — — We may well therefore apply to him the comparison before us: and we shall find it admirably deseriptive of his real character.]

He is to the spiritual, what the sun is to the material, world—
[The sun is “the fountain of light and life” to this lower world. When that is withdrawn, the earth is left in darkness, the vegetable world decays, and myriads of animals are secluded in a state of torpor. But when it returns m its brightness, it both dispels the darkness, and restores to nature her suspended powers — — —
Thus, where Christ has not shined, universal darkness and death prevail. But when he arises on the soul, he enlightens it, and infuses into it a principle of life [Note: Ephesians 2:1.], whereby its faculties are made capable of spiritual exertions; and it is rendered “fruitful in all the fruits of righteousness to God’s praise and glory” — — —]

We have abundant encouragement to seek his influence, since,


They who live in communion with him shall surely participate his blessings—

As the sun shines in vain to him who secludes himself in a dungeon, so, unless we come forth to “Christ’s light, we cannot possibly behold his light.” But if we view him as we ought, we shall then attain the light of knowledge, the light of comfort, the light of holiness, the light of glory.

1. Our minds shall be enlightened with divine knowledge

[By the light of the sun we behold the objects around us; and by the light of Christ we discern the things belonging to our peace. In his face all the glory of the Godhead shines [Note: 2 Corinthians 4:6; Colossians 1:15.], insomuch that he who has seen him, has seen the Father also [Note: John 14:9.]. Nor is there any one subject relating to salvation which does not receive its clearest illustration from him—]

2. Our souls shall be enriched with heavenly comfort

[The consolation we derive from other sources is light and unsubstantial: and the things which promise us most happiness, often prove only a fleeting meteor, or a delusive vapour. But a sight of Christ, of his fulness, his suitableness, his all-sufficiency, affords a ground of comfort, firm as the rocks, and lasting as eternity [Note: 2 Corinthians 1:5.]—]

3. Our hearts shall be “renewed in righteousness and true holiness”—

[Nothing produces such effects as a sight of Christ. We may hear the law proclaimed in all its terrors, and yet experience no abiding change. But a view of Christ as crucified for us, will break the most obdurate heart [Note: Zechariah 12:10.]—raise the most desponding soul [Note: 1 Peter 1:3.]—inspire the selfish with unbounded love [Note: 1 John 3:16.]—and fill the mourner with unutterable joy [Note: 1 Peter 1:8.]: In a word, it will change a sinful man into the very image of his God and Saviour [Note: 2 Corinthians 3:18.]

4. The light of glory itself shall also be enjoyed by us—

[Christ is the one source of happiness to all the hosts of heaven [Note: Revelation 21:23.]. To behold his beauty, to taste his love, to celebrate his praises, this is their employment, this their supreme felicity [Note: Revelation 5:8.]. Such too is the occupation, such the happiness of every true believer: he has an earnest of heaven in his soul; and this earnest is a pledge that, in due season, he shall receive the consummation of all his wishes in the immediate vision of his Saviour’s glory, and the everlasting fruition of his love [Note: Ephesians 1:13 and 1 John 3:2.]—]


How great is the folly of seeking happiness in the creature!

[Created things, in comparison of Christ, are no more than a broken cistern to a fountain [Note: Jeremiah 2:13.], or than a star in comparison of the meridian sun. Let us then seek our happiness in Christ, and in him alone. In him, as in the sun, there is a fulness and a sufficiency for all [Note: Colossians 1:19.]. And to him all may have access, if they will not obstinately immure themselves in impenitence and unbelief [Note: Ephesians 5:14.]. Let us not then “kindle sparks for ourselves, or walk in the light of our own fires [Note: Isaiah 1:11.],” but “come forth to his light,” and “walk in it” to the latest hour of our lives [Note: John 12:35.]

2. How unspeakable is the blessedness of knowing Christ!

[If we could conceive ourselves in a region where a winter’s midnight was perpetuated; and then be transported in idea to a climate, where noontide light, and vernal beauty, were uninterruptedly enjoyed, we might have some faint image of the change effected by the knowledge of Christ [Note: 1 Peter 2:9.], Truly the Christian is in Goshen [Note: Exodus 9:26; Exodus 10:22.]: or if, for a little moment he be in darkness, there ariseth up a light unto him in the midst of it [Note: Psalms 112:4.], and his darkness becomes as the noon-day [Note: Isaiah 58:10.]. And, in a little time “his sun shall no more go down; but his Lord shall be unto him an everlasting light, and his God his glory [Note: Isaiah 60:19.].” O that this may be the constant pursuit, and the happy attainment of us all!]

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