Psalms 68:18. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

WHILE some give an unbounded scope to their fancy, and view Christ in almost every passage of the Scriptures, others run into a contrary extreme, and scarcely behold him even in the most express prophecies. But there certainly are many parts of the prophetic writings, and particularly of the Psalms, which, to whomsoever they relate in a literal sense, have a spiritual or mystical reference to Christ: nor can we err in interpreting them of him, while we take the inspired Apostles for our guides.
David, having vanquished all his enemies, determined to provide a fixed residence for the ark of God, that God might dwell in the midst of his people at Jerusalem. And he penned this psalm to be used on that occasion [Note: It is thought that ver. 1–6. was sung when the ark was token up by the Levites; ver. 7–14. while they were on their way to the hill, till they came in sight of it; ver. 15–17. while they were ascending it; and ver. 18–23. when the ark was deposited.]. But St. Paul informs us, that there was a further reference in it to the ascension of Christ; who, being the true ark whereon the glory rested, went, after having triumphed over all his enemies, to his fixed abode in heaven; and, having received gifts as the fruits of his victories, gave them unto men, and provided that God should have a stated residence in his Church [Note: Ephesians 4:8. The Apostle, in citing the Psalmist’s words, makes a slight alteration in them: instead of “received gifts for,” he puts “gave gifts to.” But the truth contained in them is the same: for Christ received gifts for men in order that he might give them to men.].

With this inspired comment, we may proceed with confidence to consider,

I. The manner of Christ’s ascension—

Christ, having submitted to the deepest humiliation, was now to receive a proportionable advancement, which, having already been begun in his resurrection, was now perfected in his ascension. This was,

1. Glorious—

[In verse 17, the glory of it is described, and it is compared with the descent of Jehovah on Mount Sinai. While he was in the very act of blessing his disciples [Note: Luke 24:51.], he was taken up by a cloud, as Elijah was in his fiery chariot, to heaven. Instantly myriads of the heavenly host surrounded him with their acclamations and hosannas. They had surveyed him with astonishment from the first moment that he came into the world. When he yet lay in the manger, they sang, “Glory to God in the highest!” But, when they beheld him agonizing in the garden, and expiring on the cross, we may almost conceive their songs of joy to have been turned into weeping and lamentation. We doubt not, however, but at this time their joy exceeded all that they had ever felt from their first creation. They now saw their Creator and their God, who had so long veiled himself in human flesh, ascending to his bright abodes, to display his glory in a light infinitely surpassing all that they had ever seen before. What must his redeemed people also have felt the very instant that he entered the portals of heaven! with what rapture and ecstasies must they have been filled! But our imagination cannot grasp the thought. We must be in heaven ourselves before we can form the smallest idea of their felicity. Suffice it then to say with the angelic messengers, that, as he ascended up into heaven, so will he speedily come again from heaven; and that in the meantime, instead of gazing with unprofitable curiosity, we must look for his blessings, and devote ourselves to his service [Note: Acts 1:10.]

2. Triumphant—

[In his death he teemed vanquished; but in reality he overcame; and in his ascension he led captive all his enemies and ours. Sin had diffused its poison through all the descendants of Adam, and had infected all their powers both of body and soul. But Christ, having expiated its guilt, now rescued many vassals from its power. Satan, the god of this world, who had hitherto usurped dominion and led men captive at his will, now “fell from heaven like lightning;” and his throne, shaken to its foundations, was demolished. Death also, that had reigned over all, now was vanquished in its turn; for Jesus “burst its bands.” “By death, he destroyed death, and him that had the power of death, that is, the devil [Note: Hebrews 2:14.]:” and now, as a mighty conqueror, that had “spoiled principalities and powers, he triumphed over them openly [Note: Colossians 2:15.],” and led them captive at his chariot wheels.]

From contemplating the manner of his ascension, let us proceed to consider,


The ends of it—

There were some ends that respected Christ himself, namely, that he might receive his reward, and carry on his work within the vail: but we must confine ourselves to those which respect the Church.

1. The immediate end—

[As Jesus died, so he rose and ascended in a public capacity, as our mediator with God, He had purchased blessings for us; and he now went to receive them at his Father’s hands, that he might impart them to us. He was henceforth to have all fulness treasured up in himself, that we might receive out of it according to our necessities. He ascended, “that he might fill all things,” and “impart repentance and remission of sins,” together with all the gifts and graces of his Spirit, to his chosen people. That this was the immediate end of his ascension, appears not only from his own predictions respecting it [Note: John 16:7.], but from the express declaration of the apostles on the descent of the Holy Ghost [Note: Acts 2:33.]. Yet it was not for those only who were waiting for redemption, but even “for the rebellious also,” that he received gifts; as he abundantly testified in the conversion of his murderers; and as he is ready to testify in the conversion of us also.]

2. The remote end—

[It was the privilege of the Jewish Church to have the symbols of God’s presence in their temple. But it is our privilege to have God himself both with us, and in us, He will make our hearts his habitation; he will dwell in us, and cause his glory to fill our souls. This was a further end of Christ’s ascension, as he himself tells us: “I will pray the Father for you; and he will send you another comforter, that he may abide with you for ever, &c.; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you [Note: John 14:16.].” Even the most rebellious heart, that has defied the Majesty of heaven, and despised hitherto all overtures of mercy, may yet be encouraged to look up to him; and the soul that has been filled with all iniquity may yet become the temple of the living God. Other conquerors, in the day of their triumph, have scattered largesses among their admiring followers; but this greatest of all gifts will Jesus bestow on his most inveterate enemies: let them only repent, and call upon his name, and he will give them all the riches both of grace and glory.]


Let none despair of mercy

[We might have well supposed, that the ascension of Jesus would rather have been for the inflicting of judgments on his enemies: yet, behold, it was for the express purpose of exercising mercy. Let us not proudly deny that we are rebels; but, humbling ourselves before him as the chief of sinners, let us desire him to display the exceeding riches of his grace in his mercy towards us.]

2. Let none despair of victory

[Conflicts we must have, as long as we continue in the body; but in the very midst of them we may say, “Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Does sin harass and defile us? Christ says, “It shall never have dominion over us.” Does Satan seek to deceive or devour us? His head was bruised by Christ, and “he shall soon be bruised under our feet also.” Does death alarm us? Its sting is drawn; it is “swallowed up in victory;” it is among our richest treasures [Note: 1 Corinthians 3:22.]. Let us view Christ leading them all captive in his ascension; and know that, through Him, we also shall be more than conquerors.]

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