Psalms 71:15. My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.

PERHAPS, of all mankind, no one person ever experienced more signal deliverances than David. In his early life he was exposed to the most imminent dangers from Saul. During his whole reign he was engaged in almost one continual scene of warfare: and in his old age, his own son Absalom conspired against him, and sought his life. It was on this last occasion that he penned this psalm; and gave it to the Church, as a memorial of God’s unbounded mercy and faithfulness towards him.
The spirit which he breathes in the words before us shews,

I. What should be the subjects of our daily contemplation—

We, like David, have numberless mercies to acknowledge at God’s hands. Could we but see one half of the deliverances we have received, we should be perfectly overwhelmed with wonder and astonishment. From our youth up, even to the present moment, his care of us has been unintermitted, and his interpositions truly wonderful. But still greater has been his care for our souls. Behold the “salvation” he has revealed to us: truly, we “cannot know the numbers thereof.” Behold, I say,

1. How inestimable are its blessings!

[Who can ever declare the value of pardon or peace, or holiness or glory? Go down to the dread abodes of hell, and see the misery of unpardoned sin: or go up to the regions of bliss in heaven, and see the joys that are at God’s right hand for evermore: or take the state of God’s people here on earth: and contrast the liberty enjoyed by his children with the bondage endured by the slaves of Satan; and you will see what unspeakable obligations we owe to God for his converting and saving grace.]

2. How incalculable the price paid for them!

[Truly, “it is not with corruptible things, as silver and gold, that we have been redeemed, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot [Note: 1 Peter 1:10.].” In comparison of this, ten thousand worlds would have been a worthless sacrifice. How inconceivable the cost! Truly, “We know not the numbers thereof;” nor could all the angels in heaven count the mighty sum.]

3. How unsearchable the grace displayed in them!

[All of them are the fruits of sovereign grace; and all are bestowed on the very chief of sinners; yea, and bestowed, not only unmerited by us, but unsought and unsolicited. In the first instance, they were given to man when he was risen up in rebellion against his Maker: and even still are they conferred on men, “not according to their works, but according to God’s purpose and grace, which he purposed from all eternity in Christ Jesus” our Lord [Note: 2 Timothy 1:9.]

Let us, then, consider,


What should be the frame of our minds in relation to them?

Our determination should resemble that of David “Our mouth should shew forth this salvation from day to day”—

1. In grateful acknowledgments to God—

[It seems really wonderful, that men so indebted to their God should be able to find time for any thing but praise. David in his Psalms, sets us a good example: “I will extol thee, my God, O King; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever [Note: ver. 8. with Psalms 145:1.].” Let us only learn to appreciate aright the mercies we have received, and there will be no bounds to our gratitude, no end to our praise.]

2. In affectionate commendations to men—

[David desired to make known to others the goodness of his God. In the psalm just cited, hear how he dilates upon this subject: “I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works: and men shall speak of the might of thy terrible acts; and I will declare thy greatness — — — They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of thy kingdom [Note: ver. 24. with Psalms 145:5; Psalms 145:11. See also Psalms 40:9.].” And what other subject of conversation can we ever find so interesting, so useful, so worthy of a rational being, and, above all, so suitable to a redeemed soul?]

Behold, then,


[The Apostles “preached to men the unsearchable riches of Christ [Note: Ephesians 3:8.].” And so filled with this subject was the Apostle Paul, that “he determined to know nothing among his people but Jesus Christ, and him crucified [Note: 1 Corinthians 2:2.].” This is a subject utterly inexhaustible: in it “are contained all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge [Note: Colossians 2:3.].” O, that every minister would bring it forth to his people! Surely his hearers should soon be enriched; for it cannot be that the Saviour should ever be exhibited in vain, and his salvation be offered unto men in vain. But,]

2. How unlike to David are the generality of men!

[David would think and speak of nothing else but God’s righteousness and salvation; but the generality of men scarcely ever speak or think of it at all. Indeed, this is the one subject which, beyond all others, is, as it were, by universal consent, proscribed: so that we may mix in company for years and scores of years, and never once hear it brought forward in the way that David and the Apostles spake of it. And even good men are too little impressed with it, either in their conversations with men, or in their secret addresses at the Throne of Grace. Mark the frame of your minds, Brethren, from day to day, and see whether you have not reason to blush and be ashamed for the little impression which this subject makes upon your minds. But as for the world at large, if any thing under heaven can shew them how far they are from God, methinks they must see it by comparing their experience with that of David in our text.]

3. What a resemblance to heaven is the saint’s life on earth!

[Let us suppose a saint resembling David, and uttering from his inmost soul the expressions in my text; and you will immediately be reminded of the heavenly host, who “rest not day and night,” ascribing, without a moment’s intermission, and with all the powers they possess, “salvation to God and to the Lamb.” Take this view, then, of real piety, and seek, my Brethren, to begin your heaven upon earth.]

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