Psalms 89:28. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; if they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless, my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David.

IN seasons of deep affliction, when, through unbelief, we are ready to think that God has forsaken and forgotten us, it is well to look back to God’s covenant engagements, whereon, as on a rock, we may stand firm amidst the tempest that surrounds us. It was under such circumstances (probably about the time of the Babylonish captivity) that this psalm was penned. In it the stability of God’s covenant is fully declared. The fears and apprehensions of his people, as arising from his apparent violation of it, are next delineated: and it concludes with fervent adorations of God, who, notwithstanding all the dictates of unbelief, is worthy to be blessed for evermore.

For the just use, as well as understanding, of the passage before us, we shall,

I. Explain it—

[There can be no doubt but that the words, in their literal meaning, refer to the covenant which God made with David respecting the continuance of his posterity on his throne [Note: 2 Samuel 7:12.]; and which seemed to be violated, now that both king and people were carried captive to Babylon; but which, in fact, should be accomplished in all its parts; because whatever they might endure for a season, the sceptre should not depart from Judah till Shiloh should come.

But there is doubtless a reference to Christ, who is often called David [Note: Ezekiel 34:23.Hosea 3:5.]. Some of the words originally addressed to David, are expressly declared to refer to Christ chiefly, yea exclusively [Note: Compare 2 Samuel 7:14. with Hebrews 1:5.]. They must be understood therefore as containing God’s covenant with Christ.

In them we see, first, God’s assurances respecting Christ himself, that notwithstanding all the troubles he should experience, he should be raised from the dead [Note: Compare Isaiah 55:3. with Acts 13:34.], and have all the kingdoms of the earth for his possession [Note: Luke 1:32.Revelation 11:15.].

Next, Christ is assured respecting his people, who are his seed [Note: Isaiah 53:10; Psalms 22:30; 1 Peter 1:23.], that though through infirmity and temptation they may fall into sin, the Father will not utterly abandon them, or finally withdraw his love from them [Note: Isaiah 54:7; Jeremiah 32:40.]. He will not indeed leave them to continue in sin (for that would be incompatible with their salvation [Note: Hebrews 12:14.]) but he will chastise them, till they repent and turn from all their transgressions, and thus will he secure them to Christ as his inheritance [Note: John 17:11; 1 Peter 1:5.].

The grounds of these assurances are, lastly, specified. These are God’s covenant, and his oath. Having entered into covenant with his Son, he cannot disannul it. Yet, if he were to give up to final destruction any who were Christ’s spiritual seed, this covenant would be broken; seeing that some who were given to Christ would perish, and Christ, as far as relates to them, would have died in vain. Moreover, in this, the oath, which (for our consolation) he sware to his Son, would be violated: but, having sworn by his holiness, which is the glory of all his perfections, he never can, nor ever will recede. On these grounds therefore the glory of Christ, and the salvation of his people are irrevocably secured.]

Lest however this consolatory passage should be abused, let us,


Improve it—

It evidently teaches us,

To cleave unto Christ with full purpose of heart—

[The covenant, whether made with David or with Abraham, was confirmed before of God in Christ [Note: Galatians 3:17.]. Every blessing of the covenant was made over to him as our head and representative, and must be received from him by faith [Note: Colossians 1:19; John 1:16.]. To him therefore must we look for pardon, stability, and everlasting salvation. As to him the promises were made [Note: Galatians 3:16.], so in him alone are they yea, and Amen [Note: 2 Corinthians 1:20.]. Let it then be our great care to be found in him [Note: Philippians 3:9.]; and then we may rest assured that nothing shall ever separate us from him [Note: Romans 8:38.]

2. To endure with patience and thankfulness whatever afflictions God may lay upon us—

[Part of God’s covenant is, to “correct us in measure [Note: Jeremiah 30:11.].” And, however afflicted any may be, have they any cause to say, that they are corrected beyond measure? Can a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins [Note: Lamentations 3:39.]? Surely it is far better to be chastened here, than to be condemned with the world hereafter [Note: 1 Corinthians 11:32.]. We may all see reason enough for chastisement, if we will but mark our daily and hourly transgressions. Let us therefore not so much as desire God to spare us, provided he see that we need correction for the welfare of our souls; but rather let us kiss the rod [Note: Micah 6:9.], and improve it [Note: Isaiah 27:9.], and adore the hand that uses it for our good [Note: Hebrews 12:10.]

3. To dread sin as the greatest of all evils—

[Though at first sight this passage may seem to weaken our dread of sin, yet, in reality, it is calculated to impress us with a holy fear of offending God. The covenant made with Christ does indeed secure the salvation of his people: but does it provide them impunity in sin? No—on the contrary, it engages God to punish sin, yea, to punish it effectually; and never to leave his people under its dominion [Note: Romans 6:14.]. Is there then room to say, I shall be saved, though I commit sin? No: for either God will “drive it out with the rod of correction,” or leave it as an indisputable mark that we never belonged to him at all [Note: 1 John 3:9.]. Let us never then make Christ a minister of sin [Note: Galatians 2:17.]; but learn from the very grace that saves us, to glorify him by a holy conversation [Note: Titus 2:11.]

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