Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae
Revelation 1:17-18
Revelation 1:17. Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
MAN, while he continued in a state of innocence, communed freely with his Maker face to face: but from the time that sin entered into the world, he has dreaded the presence of the Most High, and fled from it with fear and trembling. Whenever God has been pleased to appear to any of his people, the sight has uniformly filled them with terror; and, in some instances, almost deprived them even of life. This was the effect produced by a vision vouchsafed to John. Our blessed Lord, in a habit somewhat resembling that of the high-priest, revealed himself to his beloved Disciple: and so august was his appearance, that John, unable to endure the sight, fell at his feet as dead. But our Lord, in condescension to his weakness, dispelled his fears by making known to him the perfections of his nature, and the offices which in his mediatorial capacity he sustained.
In discoursing on his words we shall consider,
I. Our Lord’s record concerning himself—
A more glorious description of Jesus is not to be found in all the sacred writings: he declares himself to be,
1. The eternal God—
[The terms, “the first and the last,” are intended to express eternity [Note: ver. 8, 11and Revelation 22:13.]: and, in this view, it is an incommunicable attribute of Jehovah. It is often used to describe God in places where he contrasts himself with the gods of the heathen [Note: Isaiah 44:6.]: and it always characterizes him as infinitely superior to all creatures. But Jesus here arrogates it to himself. Eternity had been ascribed to him both by Prophets and Apostles [Note: Proverbs 8:22; 2 John 1:1; 2 John 1:1; 2 John 1:1.Hebrews 13:8.]: but he here claims it himself as his own prerogative; for, notwithstanding he was in the form of a servant, he thought it not robbery to be equal with God [Note: Philippians 2:6.]. Hence then it is evident that Jesus is one with the Father, “in glory equal, in majesty co-eternal,” God over all, blessed for evermore [Note: Romans 9:5.]
2. The living Saviour—
[He, whose brightness now exceeded that of the meridian sun, once hung upon the cross. But, says he, “though [Note: Καὶ.] I was dead, yet I am the living One [Note: Ὁ ζῶν.], possessed of life in myself [Note: John 5:26.], and the source of life to others; and immutably living, to carry on the work which I began on earth.” “Behold” this with wonder, yet with a full assurance of its truth; for I, the “Amen,” “the true and faithful Witness, declare it unto thee.” Now as the former assertion shews us what he was in his divine nature, this informs us what he is in his mediatorial office. “He died for our offences, and rose again for our justification;” and is, not only our advocate with the Father [Note: Romans 8:34.], but the head of vital influence to all that believe [Note: Ephesians 1:22.]
The universal Sovereign—
[By “hell” we are to understand, not the habitation of the damned only, but the whole invisible world: and “death” is the door of introduction to it. Now to “have the keys” of these, is to have the power over them, together with the entire appointment of men’s states in reference to them [Note: Isaiah 22:22.]. And this power does Jesus exercise. Whomsoever he will, and in whatever time or manner he sees fit, he consigns to death, and fixes instantly in heaven or hell: “He openeth and no man shutteth; he shutteth, and no man openeth [Note: Revelation 3:7.].” Hence it appears that every event in this world also must be under his controul; and consequently, that he is the universal Sovereign.]
From the encouraging address which accompanied this record, we are led to consider,
Its tendency to comfort and support the soul—
When a similar vision was vouchsafed to Daniel, its effects, which were also similar, were counteracted in the same manner [Note: Daniel 10:5.]. Now this record of our Lord was well calculated to dissipate the fears of John; and may well also be a comfort to us,
1. Under apprehensions of temporal calamities—
[Impending dangers and distresses will often excite terror, and overwhelm the soul with anxious dread. But what ground of fear can he have, who has the eternal God for his refuge? What injury can arise to him, whose soul is in the Redeemer’s hands, and for whose benefit all things are ordered both in heaven and earth? “Not a hair of his head can perish” but by special commission from his best Friend. “Thousands may fall beside him, and ten thousand at his right hand;” but “no weapon that is formed against him can prosper.” If his eyes were opened to behold his real situation, he might see himself encompassed with horses of fire, and chariots of fire [Note: 2 Kings 6:17.]: and, standing as in an impregnable fortress, he might defy the assaults of men or devils. If his God and Saviour be for him, none can be against him [Note: Romans 8:31.]
2. Under fears of eternal condemnation—
[No man can reflect upon his own character without feeling that he deserves the wrath of God: and every one that is sensible of his own demerits, must tremble lest the judgments he has deserved should be inflicted on him. Yet a just view of the Saviour may dispel his fears, and cause him to “rejoice with joy unspeakable.” Does his guilt appear too great to be forgiven? He that offered an atonement for it, is the eternal God [Note: Acts 20:28.]. Do doubts arise respecting his acceptance with the Father? Behold, that very Jesus who made atonement for him, ever liveth to plead it as his advocate, and to present it before the mercy-seat [Note: 1 John 1:1.]. Do death and hell appal him with their terrors? they are altogether subject to the controul of Jesus, whose power and faithfulness are pledged for the salvation of all his ransomed people [Note: John 10:28.]. To the weakest then we say in the name of this adorable Saviour, “Fear not:” though thou art “a worm, thou shalt thresh the mountains [Note: Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 41:14.];” and though thou art the smallest grain that has been gathered from the field, thou shalt be treasured safely in the granary of thy heavenly Father [Note: Amos 9:9.]
[We cannot conclude the subject without applying it to those who are ignorant of Christ. Surely we must not say to you “Fear not;” but rather, “Fear and tremble,” for he whom ye have despised is the eternal God; and ever liveth to put down his enemies, and to make them his footstool. He has only, as it were, to turn the key of the invisible world, and your souls will be locked up in the prison from whence there is no redemption. O consider this, ye that live unmindful of this adorable Saviour; and prostrate yourselves at his feet, while his offers of mercy are yet extended to you.]