Revelation 1:5. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

WHILE men continue in a natural and unrenewed state, they feel very little gratitude for the mercies of Providence, and are altogether unmindful of the blessings of redemption. But when the grace of God has wrought effectually on their hearts, they begin to view his hand in all the comforts they enjoy, and to bless him more especially for the wonders of redeeming love. Whenever they are in a frame of mind at all suited to their character, they are ready to burst forth, like the beloved disciple, into expressions of rapture and adoration.
In the words before us we are led to consider,

I. The grounds of our love to Christ—

Doubtless he is worthy of our love for his own sake, seeing that “he is fairer than ten thousand, and altogether lovely [Note: Song of Solomon 5:10; Song of Solomon 5:16.]:” but he is also to be loved on account of what he has done for us:

“He has loved us”—
[This he has done from all eternity: he has done it, notwithstanding there was nothing lovely in us, neither had we any love for him; yea, notwithstanding there was every thing in us that was hateful, and we were full of enmity against him [Note: Titus 3:3.Romans 8:7.]. Though he never manifested any love to the angels who fell, yet has he loved us: and love has been the one principle that actuated him in all that he has done for us [Note: Ephesians 5:2; Ephesians 5:25.Galatians 2:20.]

“He has washed us from our sins in his own blood”—
[Rivers of tears were insufficient to wash away one sin: nor was there any fountain in the whole creation that could cleanse a guilty soul. He therefore, rather than we should perish, provided one for us; and suffered his own sacred body to be broken up, in order that we might be washed in his precious blood. This is sufficient, as thousands have experienced, to purge from sins of deepest die; and every believer, however aggravated his past iniquities may have been, may glory, in that he has been made whiter than wool or snow [Note: Isaiah 1:18.].

O what love was this! If he had washed us in the blood of slain beasts, or sent an angel to die for us, it were a wonderful act of mercy: but to wash us in his own blood! O the heights and depths of this incomprehensible love!]
“He has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father”—
[Astonishing is the exultation which the believer now enjoys: even Lazarus was greater than the highest monarchs upon earth, and exercised a government to which their power could not extend. The Christian’s spiritual enemies are under his controul: his lusts are subjected to his dominion [Note: Galatians 5:24.]; and Satan himself flees from him with trepidation, as from a victorious prince [Note: James 4:7].

With this dignity, he bears also that of priesthood. Time was, when God himself would avenge the insult, if even a king had dared to invade the office of the priesthood [Note: 2 Chronicles 26:16.]: but now all Christ’s ransomed people are admitted to it [Note: 1 Peter 2:9.]; they are anointed to it with an holy unction; they have access at all times within the vail; and they offer unto God continually the sacrifices of prayer and praise.]

If, on considering these things, we feel love and gratitude rising in our hearts, let us learn from the Apostle,


The manner in which we should express it—

We should not rest in the gift, but raise up our minds unto the Donor—

1. We should contemplate him in our minds—

[The abrupt manner in which the Apostle introduces this song of praise, and the energetic way in which he directs our eyes to Christ [Note: “To him, to him.”], sufficiently shew, that his mind was filled with his subject; and that he had a lively sense, not only of the benefits conferred on him, but also of the excellency of that Saviour, from whom they were derived. Now thus it should be with us: “Our hearts should muse, till the fire kindles, and we speak with our tongue.” And is there any other subject in the world so interesting, so noble, so profound? Is there any other being to whom we are so indebted, or in the contemplation of whose glory we can rest with such delight? Let us then keep our eyes fixed on him, till we exclaim with the prophet, “How great is his goodness! how great is his beauty [Note: Zechariah 9:17.]!”]

2. We should adore him with our lips—

[Higher strains of adoration cannot be paid to God the Father, than are here offered to Jesus Christ [Note: Compare 1 Timothy 6:15 and 1 Peter 5:11.]. We therefore may worship him as the supreme God, even as all the hosts of saints and angels are doing around his throne [Note: Revelation 5:12.]. He has all those perfections that deserve glory, and all that power that is entitled to dominion. To him therefore Jet glory and dominion be ascribed. Let us never be afraid of honouring him too much; for we never more truly exalt the Father than when we honour the Son as the Father [Note: John 5:23.]

3. We should glorify him by our lives—

[When the Apostle ascribed glory and dominion to Christ, he did not mean to except himself from the number of those who should honour his perfections, and submit to his government: but rather by the addition of “Amen,” he purposely expressed his acquiescence in that which he required from others. Thus, without claiming any exemption for ourselves, we should cordially devote to him the souls which he has purchased with his blood: we should yield to his authority in all that he commands; and seek his glory in all that we perform.]


To those who are unmindful of what Christ has done for them—

[It scarcely seems credible that such persons should be found in a Christian land: but, alas! they abound in every place. But let them blush for their ingratitude. Let them know too, that the very blood which was shed to cleanse them from their sins, will aggravate, instead of removing, their eternal condemnation.]

2. To those who are doubting whether they be interested in what Christ has done—

[We are not to ascertain our interest in Christ first, and then to go to him for salvation; but first to go to him for salvation, and then, from the exercises and fruits of our faith, to conclude that we do indeed belong to him. If the time that is lost in doubting and questioning, were improved in fervent applications to him for mercy, we should soon be enabled to say, “He has loved me, and given himself for me [Note: Galatians 2:20.].” Instead of asking, Am I washed in his blood? go, and wash in it, and be clean.]

3. To those who are glorying in Christ as their Saviour—

[What a heaven upon earth do you enjoy! for, what is the state, what is the employment, of those above? They are kings seated on their thrones: they are priests offering their sacrifices before the mercy-seat: they are singing, in one universal chorus, Salvation to God and to the Lamb. Such is your state, such is your employment, at this very hour. It is not said, that you shall be washed, or shall be made kings and priests unto God, but that you already possess these inestimable privileges. Go on then, ever mindful of these mercies, and of him who procured them for you by his blood: and give him glory and dominion for ever and ever, as well in the rectitude of your lives, as in the devotion of your hearts.]

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