Romans 15:13. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

CHRISTIANS, even in the purest ages of the Church, have been too ready to indulge a spirit of bigotry and contention. The Jewish and Gentile converts in every place were much addicted to it. St. Paul, studious to counteract it in those at Rome, shews that Christ, though a minister of the circumcision, intended to incorporate the Gentiles into his Church; and prays for both parties, that, as the means of restoring union among themselves, they might be endued with more grace. His words shew us,

I. The privileges of true Christians—

The world forms a very false estimate of the Christian’s portion; and Christians themselves too often live below their privileges. It is their privilege to be be filled,

1. With lively joy—

[No one in the world has so much cause for joy as they — — — The man healed by Peter and John fitly, though imperfectly, represents their state — — — Nor is their joy like that of sinners, which soon expires in spleen and melancholy [Note: Ecclesiastes 7:6 and Proverbs 14:13.]. They may “rejoice evermore,” and without ceasing.]

2. With abiding peace—

[It would be thought by many that “peace” should have preceded “joy”; but the experience of God’s people accords exactly with the Scriptures [Note: Compare Isaiah 55:12. with the text.]. Being freed from the torment of a guilty conscience, they have peace with God [Note: Romans 5:1.]. Christ has both purchased for them, and bequeathed to them, his peace, which passeth all understanding [Note: John 14:27 and Philippians 4:7.]. Their “peace may well be as a river, since their righteousness is as the waves of the sea [Note: Isaiah 48:18.].”]

3. With assured hope—

[This is the fruit, rather than the root, of peace and joy. They have the promise and oath of God on their side [Note: Hebrews 6:17], and have already received in their souls an earnest of their inheritance [Note: Ephesians 1:14.]. Well therefore may they enjoy a confident expectation of the promised land. All indeed are not sufficiently studious to “walk thus in the light:” but, what the Apostle prayed for on the behalf of all, it is the privilege of all to possess.]

The Apostle further directs us,


How we may attain the enjoyment of them—

In this short and comprehensive prayer we are taught to seek them,

1. From God as the fountain—

[God in himself is “a consuming fire:” but in Christ he is the “God of hope” and the source of all good [Note: James 1:17.]. It is he who provided for us the Saviour, and accepted him in our behalf; and has promised to cast out none who come to him in his Son’s name. In vain will be the use of other means, if we apply not to him in prayer. But nothing is too great for God to give to the believing suppliant.]

2. By faith as the means—

[God has “treasured up a fulness for us in Christ Jesus;” and out of it we receive by faith according to the full extent of our necessities. By faith we resemble an infant at the mother’s breast — — — However favoured we are, we can receive nothing but by the exercise of faith [Note: James 1:6.]; but “in believing we shall be filled with joy and peace.” It is faith that enables us to realize invisible things, and, by discovering Christ to the soul, “to rejoice in him with joy unspeakable and glorified;” and, by experiencing this joy of faith, our hope is augmented and confirmed [Note: Romans 5:5.]

3. Through the Holy Ghost as the agent—

[There is no power less than his that will produce these things. The whole work of grace is, not by might nor by power, but by God’s Spirit [Note: Zechariah 4:6.]. He will afford us clear discoveries of the heavenly glory. He will witness to us our adoption, and seal us with God’s image [Note: 2 Corinthians 1:22.]. And thus while he forms us to a meetness for heaven, he gives us also a foretaste of it in our hearts.]


How much happier is the Christian than others even in this world [Note: Deuteronomy 33:29.]! — — —

2. How happy will the Christian be when he shall receive these communications from the Deity, not through the narrow and obstructed channel of faith, but immediately at the fountain head [Note: 1 Corinthians 13:12.]! — — —

3. How deservedly will they be left destitute of this happiness hereafter, who now give the pleasures of sin their decided preference [Note: Proverbs 1:22.]! — — —

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