‘If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.’

1 John 1:7

Light is an emblem of truth.

I. Because it is a manifester.—‘That which maketh manifest is light.’

(a) In the darkness of night beauties and deformities are confounded. So in the darkness of error and falsehood. But when the day opens everything is seen in its true character.

(b) The clearness of the manifestation is proportional to the strength of the ray. In a diffused light the atmosphere of a room seems faultless. Let a strong beam come in, and millions of motes will be seen to float about in it. So when we measure ourselves with our fellows, we may esteem ourselves faultless; but in the light of Divine purity we are humbled.

II. Because it is a vitaliser.

(a) Sunlight and moonlight exert powerful influences in vitalising vegetable nature (Deuteronomy 33:14). They also exert powerful vitalising influences upon animals. Flies in torpor placed upon a sheet of white paper under the direct beams of the sun are roused by the light, and will fly away. It is said that the tadpole, if excluded from the light, will not develop into the frog. The cretinism of the deep gorges of the Alps is frightful.

(b) Truth carries conviction; conviction inspires energy. A man of shallow convictions is a feeble character. The truth of God is of all truth the grandest; religious convictions are the most inspiriting.

III. Because it is a purifier.

(a) The matter of light is the purest. It pervades the pores of the densest solids, in one or other of its forms. If a diamond, then as light; but if an opaque body, then as heat, or magnetism, or electricity. These all appear to be but conditions of the same substance. It is itself imponderable, because it is also the cause of gravity.

(b) As the purest and most active matter it is the greatest purifier in nature. It purifies the atmosphere itself.

IV. Because it is a beautifier.

(a) Light transforms into its own likeness the objects upon which it shines. The colours of the flowers are reflections of the light. Apart from light, flowers are colourless.

(b) So all that is morally lovely in the saints is the reflection of the loveliness of Jesus. St. James eminently reflects the rays of justice; St. John the rays of love; St. Peter those of courage. Christ Himself is the White Light—the perfect union and harmony of all virtues.

V. Because it is a gladdener.

(a) Darkness represses; but with the morning ray the lark rises and sings; the groves are vocal; the bee and the butterfly are among the flowers; man goes forth with an elastic step.

(b) So the believer rejoices in the witness of the spirit of truth. With the sense of truth there is the sense of purity and all joy-inspiring experiences.



I. Walking in the light we have fellowship with God.

(a) What a mark of human greatness! It is something to be the friend of an earthly monarch; but to hold friendly correspondence with the King of kings is honour in the superlative.

(b) What a sign of Divine condescension! For God’s grace found us in rebellion.

(c) The intimateness of that fellowship is expressed in Christ. ‘God and man is one Christ.’ The reciprocity of love, flux, and efflux, between the Creator and the believer.

(d) The condition of this honour is that we ‘walk in the light.’ To do this we must first get into the light. By nature we ‘walk in darkness.’

II. Walking in the light we have mutual Christian fellowship.

(a) Truth is the bond of society. Where would our commerce be without confidence? Where would national happiness be without law and order?

(b) Society in heaven will be perfect. Why? Because in it there will be no hypocrites. Confidence is boundless where every man is true.

(c) Church fellowship is the purest on earth. Every member should strive to make it a worthy type of the society of heaven.

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