2 Kings 10:16

_A GOOD LESSON FROM A BAD KING_ ‘See my zeal for the Lord.’ 2 Kings 10:16 I. THE ZEAL OF JEHU! HOW BADLY OUR OWN EFFORTS AFTER SOCIAL OR PERSONAL RIGHTEOUSNESS COMPARE WITH IT!—Put over against it our slackness, our indifference, our inertia, our negligence, in the face of great and crying wrongs... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 10:31

_JEHU THE HEEDLESS—A CHARACTER STUDY_ ‘Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, which made Israel to sin.’ 2 Kings 10:31 Was Jehu, then, a hypocrite? Was all his zeal for the Lord false and affected? Any one... [ Continue Reading ]

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