2 Kings 9:1

_THE SONS OF THE PROPHETS_ ‘One of the children of the prophets.’ 2 Kings 9:1 I. THE JEWISH PROPHET WAS NOT PRIMARILY OR CHARACTERISTICALLY A FORETELLER.—The sole power which the prophet possessed of declaring that which should be arose from his knowledge of that which had been and which was. He... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:2

_JEHU THE ADVENTURER_ ‘Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat.’ 2 Kings 9:2 Who was this adventurer? We may be sure he was no ordinary man who could found the most powerful of all the dynasties of Israel. I. WHEN WE FIRST MEET WITH JEHU HE IS A YOUNG GUARDSMAN, JUST AS NAPOLEON IS AT FIRST A YOUNG LIEUTENA... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:18

_PEACE, OR A SWORD?_ ‘And Jehu said, What hast thou to do with peace? turn thee behind me.’ 2 Kings 9:18 I. THE DISPENSATION OF JUDGMENT AND THE DISPENSATION OF LOVE, SO OPPOSITE IN ALL POINTS, DID, IN FACT, PROCEED FROM ONE AND THE SAME DIVINE WILL.—The sword of Jehu and the healing voice of Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 9:26

_DIVINE RETRIBUTION_ ‘I will requite thee in this plat, saith the Lord.’ 2 Kings 9:26 One object of the inspired records of events told in the Old Testament is the hidden reason of God’s dealings with people. They tell us, for instance, the true causes of things. In secular history we can only gu... [ Continue Reading ]

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