‘Ye therefore, beloved … beware lest ye … fall from your own stedfastness.’

2 Peter 3:17

That which the Apostles had to place before the readers of their letters, all Christian teachers have to present to their disciples.

False doctrine was abroad in St. Peter’s time, and there were those who gave to it a ready ear; and the melancholy result was a departure from the faith.

I. There are two forms of spiritual decline:—

(a) Error of doctrine.

(b) Wrongness of life.

If we do not think and judge aright, it is almost certain that we shall not walk and live aright.

II. The two evils are painfully apparent.—They are many who have ‘made shipwreck of faith’; their hold on Divine truth, on heavenly wisdom, has become relaxed, has been lost; and with the decay and departure of their faith have gone all the meaning and excellency of life, and all hope in death.

III. There is a holy grief in the hearts of the good and true as they witness a course which has been continually declining. Let no one say, ‘Though all men should … yet will not I.’ Rather, ‘Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.’ What Christ said to some, He says to us all—‘Watch.’ To us all the Apostle says, ‘Beware.’

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