‘The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit.’

Acts 23:8

The scene is changed. St. Paul, released by Lysias, pleads his cause before the Sanhedrin, and his declaration that he is a Pharisee and that it was ‘of the hope and resurrection of the dead’ that he was called in question, caused a violent dispute, for ‘the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel, nor spirit.’ It is to a question associated with their position that I desire to draw your attention.

The ministry of angels! The subject is a difficult one, for angels are in the background of our faith, and when we bring the background of a picture forward, we may interfere with the proper centre and subject of the whole. As to us the centre, the beginning, and the end of our faith is the Lord Christ. I limit myself now to the ministry of angels for men.

I. Angel-guardians of children.—How many of us are interested in little children! Yet they have other friends—friends who watch in heaven as we watch on earth. To our interest is joined their kindred care. If ever in our occupations we forget the children, forget to pray for them, forget to commit them to God, those above are not so unmindful. In heaven the angel of the child always beholds the face of the Father of Jesus. The Son of Man wills it so—He declares it to be so; and this angel is a part of Christ’s ministry to seek and to save. Peaceful, then, may be the days of a really Christian household, and sweet their rest, when Jesus and His angels are keeping watch above and around.

II. Angels encouraging youth.—Jacob had received the last embrace and the last blessing. As night spread itself around, he looked for a place among the rocks, and there he lay to pass his first night from home. And as he slept, there came to him, not a dream, but a true and purposed vision. There was a ladder set up upon the earth, and the top of it reaching to heaven. There was a friendless man lying below, and there was the true promising God standing above; and there was spoken the Word which has lasted true for three thousand years; and there too were the angels, surely not less true, going up and down. How many of the young have to go out into life, more or less alone, and to make their way as best they can, their journey weary, their resting-places rough, and the prospect dark around them! But still, if they only knew it, they are not alone. Their solitude is peopled. The ladder is fixed. Above stands the Saviour of Israel, and angels are passing between. How safe in this multitudinous loneliness to feel, ‘My Saviour reads my heart; my angel sees my doings!’ And, oh, what a good work for all who have won influence with youth, to throw that spark of better purpose into the conscience of the young, which will rescue duty from the langours of routine, and quicken them to their true life for themselves and Christ!

III. The ministry of angels in the circumstances and emergencies of life.—Here in the incessant whirl, a good man too often gets caught in the machinery of business. He finds himself mixed up with doubtful companions, and doubtful transactions. His soul is vexed, but his feet are entangled. Then is the Lord’s time, and He sends His servant to help; and, led by the hand of angels, Lot escapes from the city. Or a good man is sometimes depressed in religious despondency. ‘It is enough; now, Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.’ Then comes the angel of comfort, and with loving touches wakes the Christian from inaction, brings him again to the ministrations of grace: ‘Arise, and eat, Elijah, because the journey is too great for thee.’ And in the strength of that meat indeed the tired soul finds new strength, and presses on towards the mount of God.

In short, through all the long parable of our life, the holy angels do their service to Christ in ministering to the heirs of salvation.

We do not intrude ourselves into things we have not seen. We follow the sure warrant of the Bible truth. We are unbeguiled by any majesty less august than that of Christ, but still we believe ‘we are come unto an innumerable company of angels.’

Rev. Canon F. T. Crosse.


‘Every man, says a Turkish allegory, has two angels—one on his right shoulder and another on his left. When he does anything good, the angel on his right shoulder writes it down in his book and seals it, because what is done is done for ever. When he has done evil, the angel on his left shoulder writes it down; he waits till midnight; if before that the man bows down his head and exclaims, “Gracious Allah, I have sinned, forgive me,” the angel rubs it out with a sponge; if not, at midnight he seals it, and the angel on the man’s right shoulder weeps.’

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