Amos 6:1

_‘AT EASE IN ZION’_ ‘Woe to them that are at ease in Zion.’ Amos 6:1 I. THERE IS A GREAT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING AT EASE AND BEING CONTENTED.—Every Christian should learn contentment even in pain and suffering. St. Paul said that he had learned in whatsoever state he was therein to be content.... [ Continue Reading ]

Amos 6:6

_SOCIAL INDIFFERENTISTS_ ‘Not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.’ Amos 6:6 Everywhere, on the altar of the priest, on the stall of the trader, on the threshold of the nobleman’s palace, Amos saw the virgin of Israel fallen—saw the great ideals of religion and life rotting like dead and unburie... [ Continue Reading ]

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