‘For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him.’

Colossians 1:16

A very narrow notion of the functions of Christ is afloat, according to which our Lord is virtually regarded as limited in work, and even in nature, to the mission of redemption. In the Bible an infinitely larger range is given to the work and nature of Christ. If there had been no sin Christ would still have visited the world in some way of Divine goodness. He came in the creation before the birth of sin.

I. The relation of Christ to creation.—The relation of Christ to creation is threefold:—

(a) In Christ is the fundamental basis of creation. All things were made ‘in’ Him.

(b) Christ is the instrumental agent of creation. All things were made ‘through’ Him.

(c) Christ is the end of creation. All things were made ‘unto’ Him.

II. The scope and range of Christ’s work.—The scope and range of the work of Christ was universal in creation. It included:—

(a) All things, visible and invisible, i.e. physical and spiritual existences, or things within our observation and the infinite population of the regions of space beyond.

(b) All orders of being, thrones, etc., none too great for His power, none too small for His care.

(c) Every variety and every individual. Different classes are specified. Creation is not a work merely of general laws, it implies individual formation under them. All this vast and varied work is ascribed to Christ as its foundation, its efficient instrument, and its end.

III. We learn

(a) As regards Christ. (i.) His pre-existence. It is eternal (Hebrews 13:8). (ii.) His glory. All that is great and beautiful in creation glorifies Him through Whom it came into existence.

(b) As regards the creation. (i.) This must be in harmony with Christ, (ii.) We should endeavour to trace indications of the spirit and presence of Christ in nature.

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