‘By Him all things consist.’

Colossians 1:17

A remarkable expression which contains a great truth.

I. Christ is the centre of all.

(a) Of the visible world. Christ is the central point of everything, and the whole circle of the universe is united and ruled and bound together by Christ.

(b) Christ is the essential point of all truth, even of the great Godhead of the Blessed Trinity. Christ came from heaven to reveal and magnify the Father. This done, Christ returned to heaven to send the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost leads us to Christ, Christ presents us to the Father.

(c) Christ is the Head of the Church.

II. Every real Christian will confess that every good thing he has, every act of love and service, every ray of light and holiness to his heart or life, all come from Christ. There is no other source. And further his own conscience will tell him that his one great desire is to serve and please Christ. That Christ is the focus of his life—to be like Him, to honour Him, to be with Him for ever: so that past, present, future, all gathers up to one point, and that point is Christ.

III. Apply this truth very practically.

(a) You feel and you regret your inconsistencies. Your inconsistencies are the result of a little of Christ, or no Christ, in your heart.

(b) We lament divisions in the Church. What is the real and only remedy? More simplicity, greater humility, greater singleness of aim, Christ more preached, Christ more lived, Christ more exalted.

(c) Or go into a closer circle—in your family, in your household, in your school, in your place of business. Is it peace? Labour for the prerogative of Christ. It is His work and His glory to keep all things well together—your family, your business, everything. ‘By Him all things consist.’

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