Daniel 5:1

_BELSHAZZAR’S FEAST_ ‘A great feast.’ Daniel 5:1 I. THE SEAT OF THE SCORNER.—We see in this narrative that Belshazzar had, in the pursuit of a sinful course, reached this seat. He was a man of an entirely different character from the Nebuchadnezzar of the previous lesson, who was not his literal... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 5:23

_FAILURE TO GLORIFY GOD_ ‘The God in Whose hand thy breath is, and Whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified.’ Daniel 5:23 Such, in one single sentence, brief, pregnant, inexorable, is the summing up of the case against a doomed man. This in itself was enough. Nothing is here said about the... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 5:27

_GOD’S SCALES_ ‘Weighed … and … found wanting.’ Daniel 5:27 I. GOD’S SCALES ARE ADJUSTABLE SCALES.—He weighs in reference to quality as well as quantity. He weighs the lives of men as a lapidary weighs the diamond. He weighs us in reference to our past opportunities, and to what we ought to be.... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 5:30

_THE JUDGE AT THE DOOR_ ‘In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.’ Daniel 5:30 Secular historians tell us of the wickedness of this king. Cowardice, too, was one of his faults, for whilst his colleague in the kingdom, who had usurped the first place, and left the second to th... [ Continue Reading ]

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