Ezekiel 37:3

_CAN THESE BONES LIVE?_ ‘Can these bones live?’ Ezekiel 37:3 I need not dwell upon any description of the actual vision itself. I. IN THE FIRST PLACE, UNDER THE FIGURE OF RESURRECTION OF DRY BONES, IS FORETOLD THE GENERAL RESTORATION OF THE JEWS FROM THEIR SEVERAL DISPERSIONS.—I know that at the... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 37:9

_THE BREATH OF LIFE_ ‘Come from the four winds, O breath!’ Ezekiel 37:9 This majestic vision prefigured the restoration of the national life of Israel, the return from captivity, the revival of true and spiritual religion. Yet it serves also as the symbol of all real revival of individual and of... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 37:22

_A REUNITED ISRAEL_ ‘No more two nations.’ Ezekiel 37:22 Because they are ‘My people,’ Jehovah makes the leading out of exile and the return to Canaan to be prophesied to them. I. IN VIEW OF THE MESSIAH, HE PROMISES THEM A UNITED NATIONALITY, AND THE INHABITING OF CANAAN FOR EVER, THE PEACEFUL P... [ Continue Reading ]

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