‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’

Hebrews 11:1

All religious conviction proceeds from God and cannot proceed from man, because whatever there is in man that is good is put into him by God.

I. The first stage repentance.—The first stage in the progress of spiritual conviction is repentance; a man has to find out that he is in the wrong before he can be set right. The foundation of all spiritual conviction rests in a knowledge of one’s sins, because we shall never desire new things until we have found out our inability to do good or to act rightly without the grace of God. We must know our true selves to bring about this change; to reach this stage in spiritual conviction.

II. The second stage faith.—We will pass on to examine the most glorious passage in spiritual conviction, which I trust every member of this congregation will be able to lay to heart. ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’ Why is faith absolutely necessary? The reason is given to us in this very chapter: we are told that without faith it is impossible to please God. No words can be stronger. Is it not true that faith is the one thing? I know that we must do the work, and we must wrestle and fight and pray, but there is one thing needful when we have been convicted of our sin, and that is faith in the blessed work of our Saviour.

III. The third stage assurance.—Let us take the words just as they stand! ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for.’ What is substance? There is a great deal of difference between a mere speculation and reality. Substance is reality. We say that, as we are met together in the name of the Lord Jesus, He is present with us. Perhaps some of you say that you hope he is present. I can go farther than that; I can say that He is here. He is here in the spirit and we are in the body, and so cannot see Him; there is the necessity for faith. Jesus said, ‘Lo! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.’ Yes, He is with you, He is with you always. We get at the reality by means of faith.

Rev. H. Lionel James.


‘I think some of you have heard the story of the little maid that the parson came across in his house-to-house visitation. She had heard nothing about the progress of spiritual conviction, and she scarcely understood what it was to pray. This good minister taught her a little prayer, and it was just this: “Lord, show me myself, for Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.” She promised to repeat this prayer, and the minister told her that the Lord would answer it. When he visited that part of his parish again, and called at the farm-house, he found that the little girl had learnt that she was a sinner, and that she had changed her mind as to herself. That is the true meaning of repentance.’

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