‘There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.’

John 1:6

There are two things about John which we have to remember:—

I. He was a fearless man.—In those days, as now, people were very fond of having their own way; and John went into the midst of these people, and he told them of their sins, and did not spare one of them, whether it was a soldier, or statesman, or king.

II. He was a very humble man.—Men brave in the battlefield are generally the humblest in other things. John did not want anything himself; he wanted to be lost in Christ.

III. He was a burning and a shining light, but only so to prepare for the Sun of Righteousness. He was a burning light, full of the warmth of love; a shining light to light them on the path they ought to go. We all ought to be that. That ought be the object and calling of every one of us.

Rev. Canon Teignmouth Shore.


‘A ship was wrecked at sea and a boat was launched with the passengers. But the night grew so terribly dark and the storm beat so fiercely that they gave themselves up as lost. At last, a sailor who knew the coast said he was acquainted with a creek into which they could run if they only had a light. But there was no light. Suddenly, however, they saw a little flicker, and it grew larger, and by its guidance, with a shout of joy, the brave sailors rammed the boat into the creek, and they were saved. That night a little girl, very young, had heard a wild cry above the storm out at sea, and with her little hands she rolled down an old tar-barrel by the shore. She had stuffed it with straw and set a match to it, saying, “Perhaps even my little light may save some one.” And it did. You never know what power you may be to save some shipwrecked life.’



Seven hundred years before, Isaiah foretold the office of John the Baptist (Isaiah 40:3), and the Old Testament itself ends with a prophecy of the great messenger of Christ (Malachi 3:1). He was the harbinger, the forerunner, the pioneer of the Lord: to prepare for Christ, to glorify Christ, was the object of his birth and the sum of his existence.

The secret of Christ-like living in public is Christ-like praying in secret; and most certainly John himself was a man of prayer. John was Christ’s witness—

I. By his words.

II. By his life.

III. In his death.

Christ expects all who love Him to be His witnesses. Let us never forget that our religion ought not only to be a possession to be enjoyed, but also a talent for which we are responsible, and a light which by all means we must spread.

—Rev. F. Harper.

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