John 19:5

_LESSONS FROM CALVARY_ ‘Behold the Man.’ John 19:5 Jesus said, “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.” Year by year we see these words more perfectly fulfilled. The power of the Cross is seen in the increased observance of Good Friday; and although there is yet much to deplore in the c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:9

_PILATE’S QUESTION_ ‘Whence art Thou?’ John 19:9 I do not know of anything of more vital importance than that we should discover truly the source from which Jesus came, and why it is that from that source He should come to bear grief and agony, and for what purpose it is that He should have left... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:15

_THE CRUCIFIXION OF THE KING_ ‘Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Cæsar.’ John 19:15 Are there no Pilates with us now—men and women to whom the obedience of Christ seems almost impossible—who have grown so entirely worldly that there is scarce an avenue lef... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:26,27

_THE MOST PATHETIC PHRASE IN GOD’S WORD_ ‘Woman, behold thy son!… Behold thy mother!’ John 19:26 There was a brief lull in the tempest which surged round the Cross of Christ, and the women who had been looking on afar off, His mother and the women from Galilee, emboldened by the falling back of t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:28

_THE THIRST OF CHRIST_ ‘I thirst.’ John 19:28 There breaks from the Cross one short, swift word, the only cry through the day’s long hours, which speaks of His own physical agony. Yet we cannot read these words as merely being signs of bodily suffering; there is a deeper spiritual meaning in the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:30

_THE FINISHED WORK_ ‘When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished.’ John 19:30 ‘It is finished!’ What was finished here? It is the pent-up agony of centuries breaking into relief at that sighing word. Finished! I. FINISHED ALL THAT THE FATHER AND THE SON HAD WORKED FOR... [ Continue Reading ]

John 19:38,39

_FROM COWARDICE TO CONFESSION 1_ ‘And after this Joseph of Arimathæa, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that be might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus. And there came also Nicodemus, whi... [ Continue Reading ]

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