‘A Light to lighten the Gentiles.’

Luke 2:32

God’s people, in the days of the old dispensation, lived and moved in dim twilight. We have GOD’s blessed sunshine flooding us with light.

I. If we would walk in the Light we must look for it. The secret was told to Simeon, but if he had not listened and obeyed and waited and watched in the Temple day by day it would never have been his honour and joy to hold the True Light in his arms. The Wise Men saw the star, but if they had not forsaken home and friends, and risked health and life to follow its leading they would never have knelt at the young Child’s feet. The whisper came to the holy man in the Temple courts, the strange star bore its silent message to the three, but the blessing was theirs because they obeyed and came to the Light. It would never have been theirs otherwise.

II. The message rings in our ears continually.—For us there is far more than the pale light of a star shining in the darkness. The rising day floods our path and makes all things plain. But so many are careless and listless and take no heed. And many are more than careless and listless. They shut their eyes to the light, and walk blind in the very Presence of their Lord. And yet we know how He hates lukewarmness, and how great shall be the condemnation of those who in the midst of broad day walk on still in darkness.

III. ‘Arise and Christ shall give thee light.’—‘If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ He must be hopelessly ill who can always be sad and weak in fresh air and under the cheerful sunshine. Let us rise from our sloth and quit our narrow thoughts and dark ways and foolish imaginings, and walk in the bright track of the Sun of Righteousness, hastening on to His Presence, and then our weakness will become strength, and our foolishness wisdom, and our earthliness spirituality, and as the years go by our joys will increase and our peace deepen, and our vision become more sure, because we have the promise that the Sun of Righteousness shall never go down.

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