‘They found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and askimg them questions.’

Luke 2:46

Though but one incident in the early life of Jesus is recorded, that one is particularly charming and valuable, and deserves to be studied with a special interest and assiduity especially by the young.

I. His attachment to the house of God.—The Temple was the dwelling-place of the Most High. Here Jesus delighted to resort, finding true pleasure in the precincts of His Father’s house.

II. His delight in the society of God’s people.—He was found in the company of the learned, wise, and pious.

III. His disposition to converse upon high and sacred themes.—It is not upon record what was the subject of conversation between Jesus and the doctors, but there can be no doubt they held discourse concerning Scripture characters and history.

IV. His delight in the service of God.—His Father’s work and business engaged the thoughts and occupied the activities of Jesus, and this even when he was but twelve years old.


‘It was at twelve years old that Jewish boys came personally under the obligations of the law of Moses. Up to that age they had been treated as children, taught by their parents at home, but not yet expected to obey the harder precepts, such as fasting, or attending at Jerusalem at the three great feasts of the year. But at twelve years old they were called “Sons of the Law” or “Sons of the Precept”; and this signified that they now entered upon the second stage of life, and were no longer mere children. Henceforth they were old enough to have knowledge of their own, and to obey for themselves.’

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