‘And Herod with his men of war set Him at nought.’

Luke 23:11

I. Who is the most likely person to set our Lord at nought?

(a) A man who has once heard the Word of God and does violence to his conscience.

(b) A man who yields to sinful companions and commits a gross sin as the result of it.

II. On what ground did Herod set our Lord at nought?

(a) Because of His gentleness and patience.

(b) Because He refused to gratify Herod’s curiosity and amuse his love of sensation.

III. How do men set our Lord at nought?

(a) Some will not even consider His claims.

(b) Others prefer their business or their amusements to Jesus.

(c) Others confide in themselves.

(d) Others have no conscience whatever as to His present claims upon them.

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