Luke 5:1

_ON HEARING SERMONS_ ‘The people pressed upon Him to hear the word of God.’ Luke 5:1 This eagerness of the people to hear Christ is full of instruction, and both of encouragement and caution to all in every age who preach and who hear the Word of Grace. I. MOTIVE.—Some desired to hear Christ fr... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:3

_CHRIST’S WORK IN THE WORLD_ ‘He entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s.’ Luke 5:3 The Lord Jesus used the instruments of His Apostles. He went into Simon’s boat; He used Simon’s boat and tackle and nets. That is ever His way. I. CHRIST USED THE INSTRUMENTS OF HIS PEOPLE.—And that is w... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:4

_LAUNCH OUT!_ ‘Launch out into the deep.’ Luke 5:4 Simon was surprised to receive that command; there are many still who do not seem able at once to respond to it. I. TO WHOM SHOULD THESE WORDS BE ADDRESSED? (_a_) _ Disappointed workers_.—As it was with Peter, so it has often been with Christ’... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:5

_‘AT THY WORD’_ “Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net.’ Luke 5:5 There are few things in common life so illustrative of the actings of faith—as ‘a net cast into the sea.’ I. THE NET AN EMBLEM OF FAITH.—But if the net be always the emblem of faith, there are points about that ‘net’ wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:8

_GOD AND OURSELVES_ ‘Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’ Luke 5:8 If the first lesson which was learned by Simon in the school of Jesus Christ was the lesson of holy confidence, the second, which rapidly follows, is the lesson of holy fear, the reverent remembrance of the difference b... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:10

_THE FUNCTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MIRACLE_ ‘Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.’ Luke 5:10 In considering this narrative there are two subjects on which we may dwell; first, the general function of miracle in the ministry of our Lord; and next, the symbolic significance of this miracl... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:16

_SPIRITUAL SOLITUDE_ ‘And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness, and prayed.’ Luke 5:16 The wilderness and the mountain—the two loneliest places He could command—appear several times to have made fitting retirement for Christ. God provides wildernesses for us all, and He provides them in the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:32

_CHRIST’S CALL_ ‘I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’ Luke 5:32 The call of Levi and the incidents associated with it are full of interest and instruction. Note:— I. THE POWER OF CHRIST’S CALLING GRACE.—Levi belonged to a class who were a very proverb for wickedness. Ye... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:39

_THE EXCELLENCE OF THE LITURGY_ ‘No man having drunk old wine desireth new; for he saith, The old is better.’ Luke 5:39 The excellency of the Liturgy of the Church of England! This is proved by using it. No man having drunk of this wine desireth new; experience has taught him what argument might... [ Continue Reading ]

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