Mark 16:3

_THE STONE AT THE DOOR_ ‘Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?’ Mark 16:3 The text suggests various questions. I. WHY WAS THERE EVER A SEPULCHRE ON EARTH?—A sepulchre tells of sorrow, sickness, bereavement, death. How came it there? ‘By one man sin entered into the wo... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:6

_THE INVISIBILITY OF THE RESURRECTION_ ‘He is risen: He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him.’ Mark 16:6 Why did no man see Christ rise? The loving women were too late. He was gone. After the Lord was risen, an angel had rolled away the stone with an earthquake and was sitting upon i... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:7

_WHY ‘INTO GALILEE’?_ ‘But go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you.’ Mark 16:7 The angel first exhibited the wonderful spot: ‘Behold where they laid Him,’ and then immediately added, ‘But.’ That word is teaching.... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:9

_THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF THE RISEN LORD_ “He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.’ Mark 16:9 To Mary Magdalene, before all others of Adam’s children, was granted the privilege of being first to behold the risen Saviour. A woman who at one time had been possessed by seven devils was the first to whom... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:15

_‘INTO ALL THE WORLD’_ ‘And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’ Mark 16:15 If ever there was a nation to whom these words were plainly and directly addressed, that nation is England. I. REPARATION TO NATIVE RACES.—As a nation we owe some repara... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:19

_ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN_ ‘So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven.’ Mark 16:19 Why is it that the festival of our Lord’s Ascension is so little noticed? Is it because of the practical irreligiousness of our day? Or is it that Christians do not realise the pricele... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:20

_CHRIST IN THE WORLD_ ‘The Lord working with them.’ Mark 16:20 Most people, if asked to express their idea of our Lord’s Ascension, would probably say that He has gone immeasurably far from us. That certainly was not His meaning when He spoke of the expediency of His departure from our sight. He... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 16:20,21

_PREPARATION AND EFFECT_ ‘Confirming the word with signs following.’ Mark 16:20 If we wished to make the Gospel for Ascension Day the subject of a sermon, one way of dealing with it effectively might be this: to consider the preparation for the Ascension, and the effect of the Ascension; in both... [ Continue Reading ]

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