Matthew 14:10

_THE CAUSES OF HEROD’S SIN_ ‘And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison.’ Matthew 14:10 When the executioner came into the prison to behead John he came as an angel of light. John was bound in an awful dungeon, without light and without air, and when the executioner came to tell John his order... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:21

_THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND_ ‘They that had eaten were about five thousand.’ Matthew 14:21 Of all the miracles worked by our Lord, not one is so often mentioned in the New Testament as this. I. PROOF OF DIVINE POWER.—This miracle is an unanswerable proof of our Lord’s Divine power. He cal... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:23

_THE SOLITUDE OF CHRIST_ ‘When the evening was come He was there alone.’ Matthew 14:23 Christ had an actual human body and soul, yet He was Divine. It was on His human side that He was depressed, sorrowful, as well as at times hungry, thirsty, and weary. It was on the human side of His nature tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:30

_‘BEGINNING TO SINK’_ ‘Beginning to sink.’ Matthew 14:30 St. Peter, who just before had his footing firm, and felt the sea like adamant, has now no standing ground. What was under him like a rock gives way, and he has nothing certain on which to rest. I. BEGINNING TO SINK.—It is the picture of t... [ Continue Reading ]

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