‘These sinners against their own souls.’

Numbers 16:38

Words startlingly true! What had Korah’s splendid energy, and courage, and ability, used in the evil service of ungodly self, brought, but ruin and shame? But this can be said in measure of every sin. It is always a cruel wrong to oneself, a poisoning, or wounding, of one’s inner nature, and a deadly blow at true prosperity. ‘He that sinneth against Me (Wisdom) wrongeth his own soul. All they that hate Me love death.’ May this tremendous fact be written on our very hearts:—I cannot sin consciously, in deed or word or thought, without doing a wrong, haply a deadly wrong, to both my future and myself; and what can make up for that? ‘These sinners against their own souls’—it is a terrible sentence, just because it is so terribly true! Yes, the one great enemy to be feared is sin—sin in every guise. ‘The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Lord, put Thy fear in my heart, according to Thy Word.’

I. There are many modern Korahs who insist that God is the Father of all mankind equally, and that there is no need of the Mediator, Christ Jesus, thus despising the Great High Priest whom God hath appointed. Let all such be warned by the fate of Korah and his company. Moses does not contend for himself in any way, but is entirely willing that the Lord shall decide the whole matter. ‘And he spake unto Korah and to all his company, saying, Even to-morrow the Lord will show who are His, and who is holy; and will cause him to come near unto Him: even him whom he hath chosen will He cause to come near unto Him.’

II. A wayward people.—One would think after this terrible experience the people would be careful how they spoke against Moses and Aaron; but it seems impossible for them to learn, and in verse 41 we read, ‘On the morrow all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron.’ They are tempting the Lord almost beyond endurance, and this time they would all have been killed had it not been for Moses and Aaron, the very men they were speaking against. Notice that they were saved by atonement made by the high priest whom they had despised, and with whom they wanted to do away. If the modern Korahs are ever saved, it will be by atonement made by the High Priest whom they have despised, and want to do away with. ‘There is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.’


‘What a privilege to speak with God mouth to mouth! It was the unique prerogative of Moses, hut it is the privilege of all those who, by faith, exercise their privileges in Jesus, and who are faithful in their special department in the household of faith. It is there that we learn to forgive, to pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us, to bless them that curse. There is no such school for love to man as the secret place of the tabernacle of the Most High. But sin in any of God’s own, though forgiven, will delay the march of the host. Our good and our evil promote or hinder all with whom we journey.’

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