‘Let them not say.’

Psalms 35:25

Psalms 35 is one of the fiercest imprecatory psalms.

I. David is here in one of his lowest moods.—He becomes at this point a poor creature like the rest of us. The roots of the Cross have been in the earth for two thousand years, and yet there are men who can still pray like this. This psalm is full of conceit and boasting; the man does not see the heaven he is talking to. Oh, the bitterness and carelessness, the godlessness of some prayers! It is so easy to be praying and sinning at the same time. The heaven takes up its blue skirt and shakes the prayer of these blasphemers back in their faces.

II. We call the Great Physician from the far corners of His universe to heal a wound inflicted on our own hand.—We must learn to be broader and more generous in our prayers. Send a plenteous rain on Thine inheritance, Thou Lord of the waters.


‘A special occasion for this psalm is suggested by Hengstenberg in the declaration of David to Saul (1 Samuel 14:15): “The Lord, therefore, be Judge, and judge between me and thee, and see and plead my cause, and deliver me out of thine hand.” But he adds: “David speaks in the person of the righteous, and the truly Righteous One appropriates this psalm to Himself (St. John 15:25), an application which led many of the older expositors to give it an exclusive Messianic exposition.” Whatever may have been the occasion of the psalm, it is best to lose sight of David, and see here Christ only.’

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