‘The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’

Romans 6:23

I. The Master.—In the one case the master sin is a tyrant; in the other a holy and merciful God, Who offers ‘eternal life.’

II.—The Service.—In the one case it is slavery; in the other, perfect freedom.

III. The Recompense.—In the one case, the recompense is death; in the other it is life eternal.

(a) The wages—literally the soldier’s rations—assigned to the slave of sin are death. What is involved in this awful description no tongue can tell. And is it to secure such a doom that men consent to wear the chains of Satan?

(b) The gift. On the other hand, observe upon what terms God engages free spirits in His honourable service. A gift is indicative of the friendly relations between the Lord and the servant. The mediation of Christ is represented as the means of service, and as the channel of reward. Eternal life is a phrase which passes all our human powers to explain; it means life in God, life in bliss, life for evermore!

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