Deuteronomy 2:10. The Emims; that is, men of terrific aspect with regard to stature, armour, and appearance.

Deuteronomy 2:12. The Horims, Horites, Genesis 14:6, which Esau had destroyed. The inference was encouraging to the Hebrews, that if these terrific men had been conquered by others, the Canaanites might be conquered also.

Deuteronomy 2:20. Zamzummims; that is, strong and mighty ones, flagitiously wicked. Heathen testimonies agree with Moses, as to the crimes of the ancient giants. We have three other tribes of giants named by Moses, the Raphaim, the Hevim, and the Anakim.

Deuteronomy 2:23. Caphtor, a city south of Philistia.


Moses, continuing the history of the Israelites, reminds them not to meddle with the stock of Abraham, and the families of Lot his nephew, because they were in covenant with God. And though it was now four hundred and thirty years since this covenant was made; and though it was little short of three hundred years since he gave the minor blessing to Esau; yet he had ever kept this covenant in view. With what safety then may both families and nations trust to the covenant and promises of God. He will never forget his word, but his grace shall be larger than our most sanguine expectations have conceived.

Moab and Ammon being mentioned by name in this charge, we see Lot's sin of ignorance forgiven: and considering the terrible situation of his daughters, who really believed that no man was left alive with whom they might marry, every apology is due to them which human nature can possibly claim. Let every one therefore endeavour fairly to rise after an error or a fall, that God may not withdraw his mercy from him and his family.

In the total destruction of Heshbon, and all the surrounding country, we see that the Amorites had now filled up the measure of their iniquities. Consequently the covenant, which they had in common with all the descendants of Noah, was forfeited, and neither the parents nor the children could obtain a reprieve. It is also remarkable, that both Og and his people seemed infatuated by a spirit of error, to accelerate their own destruction: for they wantonly followed the refusal of Moses' kind request by open hostilities. Let us learn, never to dare or despise the Lord's people; never to obstruct their way to heaven, provided we should be unwilling to accompany them. On many occasions, an outrage to the church of God has been among the last sins he has suffered a wicked man to commit.

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