Exodus 36:1. The sanctuary; that is, the whole of the tabernacle.

Exodus 36:8. Cherubims, or Cherubim. The term signifies an expanse of knowledge. They were made in the figure of young men, with extended wings; so that standing, one on each end of the ark, the extremity of one wing touched the extremity of the other.

Exodus 36:14. Goats' hair eleven curtains, forty five feet in length, and six in breadth. These were very strong, and were covered with rams' skins dyed red, importing that the blood of the covenant shed on Calvary, is the real cover and defence of the church.


We know not here which to admire most, the willingness of the people to give, or the diligence and emulation of the artists to expedite the work. In every view they are instructive to the christian church. We should never suffer the work of God to languish for want of support: and God having most amply supplied his ministers with all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in his revealed word, they should all be busy in searching the scriptures, and in the acquisition of every branch of knowledge connected with the ministry. Here is work enough before them for a whole life. We should all be busy and full of energy, for God is raising his glorious and spiritual sanctuary; and that man who is idle in so great a day, will neither be made a pillar in the temple of God, nor suffered to dwell in his house.

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