I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.


I. By permission.

1. Is still Divine and therefore authoritative.

2. Respects matters of expediency and private application.

II. By commandment.

1. Is absolute.

2. Of immeasurable importance.

3. Universally binding. (J. Lyth, D. D.)

For I would that all men were even as myself.--

The happiness of single life

I. Exemplified by paul.

1. Freedom from earthly care.

2. Entire devotedness to the service of God.

II. Depends on special gift.

1. The gift of continence.

2. Not conferred upon all.

3. Associated generally with special grace.

III. Must not be inculcated upon all.

1. Would violate the ordination of Providence.

2. Breed mischief and immorality. (J. Lyth, D. D.)

But every man hath his proper gift from God, one after this manner, and another after that.--

Distinct gifts

Paul had peculiar natural powers, adapting him for a life of consecration and service. But it was a beautiful feature in his character that he did not expect or wish all Christians to resemble himself in all things. In fellow-labourers he recognised adaptation for usefulness.

I. Human endowments are Divine gifts. The devout mind naturally looks up to the source of all. If to God we are to attribute providential favours, shall we attribute higher gifts to an inferior source?

II. Divine gifts are bestowed upon men in great variety.

1. It is so in bodily constitution. One has muscular strength, another manual dexterity, &c.

2. It is so in temperament. One is calm and wise, another tender and sympathetic, a third impulsive and commanding.

3. It is so in intellectual character. One reasons with force, another persuades with fervour, a third speaks with eloquence. Where are two leaves, two faces alike? So in the Church--one has the gift to rule, another to teach, or to console, &c. One is fitted for a pastor, another for an evangelist. One is called to a public, another to a private position.

III. These gifts are complementary and co-operate to the general good. None can be spared. There is generosity, but not waste in the Divine benefactions. Pray for the qualified workman, and the work shall not be undone for the want of him. Because all things are Christ’s, all things are ours. One supplies another’s lack, and mutual sympathy and ministrations subserve the general good. Conclusion:

1. Gratitude should be cultivated as due to Him who is the Giver of all.

2. Pride should be repressed; for if one has his gift he has to remember that it is a gift bestowed in grace.

3. Forbearance and toleration are requisite. It is vain to expect all gifts to centre in the same person, to look for what God has not bestowed, to complain because a man has his proper gift and that only. (Prof. J. R. Thomson.)

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