When Solomon was old.

An aged sinner

Colporteur Pantel of Marseilles once offered a Bible to an old man who angrily replied, “Wine is my god.” “Indeed,” said Pantel, “then let me tell you that you have not imitated your god.” “What do you mean?” “Well, wine becomes better as it grows old, while you, as you have grown old, have become more wicked!” The man was taken aback by this reply. “Look here,” he said, “I’ll buy a Bible. It is least I can do after such an answer.” (British and Foreign Bible Societys Report, 1902.)

Deterioration with years

A picture of a man who has grown in the wrong direction! Backwards--downwards! A bright morning ending in a stormy night. What are these snowy leaves which strew the ground? Perished buds and blossoms of holy character. (J. Parker, D. D.)

Age reveals character

Age seems to take away the power of acting a character, even from those who have done so the most successfully during the main part of their lives. The real man will appear, at first fitfully, and then predominantly. Time spares the chiselled beauty of stone and marble, but makes sad havoc in plaster and stucco.

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