The Philistines went up against Israel.

The holy war

The revival of religion has ever had a most important bearing as social and political improvement. The return of man to God restores him to his brother. Restoration to the earnest and hearty performance of spiritual duties towards God leads to a corresponding reformation in relative and political duties. It was the revival of religion that gave such liberty to the Protestant nations in the sixteenth century. It was the revival of religion which secured the Protestant succession in England, and many of the liberties which we now enjoy. It was the revival of religion that gave such a martyr roll to the Scottish Covenanters, and led to the Revolution settlement of 1688. It is to the religious revivals that America owes much of the political happiness which, amidst the most discordant elements, it has possessed. In the reformation under Samuel patriotism was revived, the independence of the nation was recovered, and in such a way as showed the gracious interposition of a covenant God. Many revivals have had trying ordeals at the outset and a baptism of fire. Pentecost was immediately succeeded by a Moody persecution. The planting of the Church among the heathen was in the midst of enmity and opposition. Ten fierce persecutions were the experience of the religion of Christ, while it was advancing successfully through the Roman Empire. Few reformations were accomplished in the sixteenth century without martyr fires. So we find in the days of Samuel that the renewed Church of Israel was a child of storm and conflict. It was not strange that, when the preaching of Samuel had been instrumental in awakening the Hebrews, and when they were seeking to reform their worship and renew their covenant with God, their oppressors should attempt to restrain their incipient patriotism, and to inflict a chastisement. Persecution is the first object of tyrannical powers when a subject people are revived to freedom of thought and devotion to God. When the cause of God receives any new spiritual impulse there are not wanting those who seek to arrest it by persecution, by controversy, or by secular temptations. When the fagot cannot pervert, dissension may weaken; when threats fail, bribery may corrupt. The first prevailed in Spain, when the dreadful Inquisition destroyed the rising Protestantism. The second nullified the influence of the Reformation in some of the German States. The third prevailed where a tempting Erastianism reduced the Church to worldliness. The time of revival is therefore a season of imminent danger. The Philistines are then upon you. Are you awakened to spiritual concern? Satan is also aroused to effect his intended ruin of your soul. Are you about to take up the cross and to make a Christian profession? He is active to bring about your fall. The Philistines are then upon you. On a former occasion, when they were in similar danger, they reposed their trust in the ark of the Lord; but now their confidence is in the God of the ark. They confided in the form, now in the reality. Before they were apostate and impenitent; now, they are awakened, reconciled, and devoted to the service of God. In their extremity, therefore, they urge prayer. They seek Samuel’s intercession.

1. It was the most powerful means of aid. “Prayer moves the arm that moves the universe.” It can wrestle with the Angel and have power with God end prevail. It is the divinely appointed means of assistance: “Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee.”

2. It was prayer in which they had all a believing interest. The people are ready to join when Samuel uttered his supplication. Their earnest desire gave intensity to Samuel’s words; their faith gave power to his believing intercession. Many hearts united in one exercise.

3. It was prayer to their covenant God. “Cry unto our God for us.” They had just renewed their covenant with God, and accepted Him as theirs. He had been their father’s God--a prayer hearing, covenant-keeping God. They knew to whom they addressed their cry. It was to no unknown god, nor to an imaginary deity. Rest your soul on Jesus. Then every prayer is offered to a Friend in whom you have confidence, and from whom you may expect a blessing.

4. It was prayer for a definite object. They specified their want. They stated the desire of their hearts. Too many pray in a way so general as to exhibit little interest in what they ask. When public prayer was made a sacrifice was offered. The intercession was dependent on atonement. The efficacy of the petition was in the acceptance of the substitute. Thus it was that Samuel took a lamb in all the purity of its youth and offered it wholly unto the Lord. The atonement made by the Redeemer was infinite, and is sufficient to take away wrath from thee. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” Our prayers must ever rest for all their efficacy on the Lamb of God. Ascending in the name of Jesus they will prevail. This is what is meant when we ask for Christ’s sake. Samuel’s prayer prevailed, and the answer came ere his worship was performed. They had returned to God; they had secured His help. The Lord listened to their prayer of faith, and that day fought their battles. The artillery of heaven was moved against the Philistines. Israel was victorious without feats of arms. Nor was this the only instance in their history. God had made the waters of the Red Sea His weapons to overcome the Egyptians. In the Valley of Ajalon hailstones did the work of conquerors, and the natural day was prolonged to give Joshua the victory. In after days, too, the hosts of Sennacherib were vanquished by the destroying angel in answer to the prayer of Hezekiah. And in the future yet to be realised the believing supplication of the ransomed Church will secure the interposition of God on the field of Armageddon to baffle the armies of the world united to destroy his cause. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” is the lesson we may draw from this event in the days of Samuel. The Church of God is threatened in critical times. All over the world events seem preparing to try the faith and energy of professing Christians. But so long as prayer is so blessed a resource the little flock need not fear. God is the glory in the midst of His cause, and the wall of fire around her. (R. Steel.)

National deliverance

The great thunder with which God thundered on the Philistines carried down from God the answer and the needed help. There is no need for supposing that the thunder was supernatural. It was an instance of what is so common, a natural force adapted to the purpose of an answer to prayer. Natural, but not casual. Though natural, it was God’s answer to Samuel’s prayer. But how could this have been? If it was a natural storm, if it was the result of natural law, of atmospheric conditions, the operation of which was fixed and certain, it must have taken place whether Samuel prayed or not. Undoubtedly. The uniformity of natural law enables the Almighty, who sees and plans the end from the beginning, to frame a comprehensive scheme of Providence that shall not only work out the final result in His time and way, but that shall also work out every intermediate result precisely as He designs and desires. Surely, if there is a general Providence, there must be a special Providence. If God guides the whole He must also guide the parts.

1. Let us apply this view to the matter of prayer. The prayer of Samuel was prayer which God had inspired. What more reasonable than that in the great plan of Providence there should have been included a provision for the fulfilment of Samuel’s prayer at the appropriate moment? The thunderstorm, we may be sure, was a natural phenomenon. The only thing miraculous about it was its forming a part of that most marvellous scheme--the scheme of Divine Providence--a part of the scheme that was to be carried into effect after Samuel had prayed. If the term supernatural may be fitly applied to that scheme which is the sum and substance of all the laws of nature, of all the Providence of God, and of all the works and thoughts of man, then it was a miracle; but, if not, it was a natural effect. It is important to bear these truths in mind, because many have the impression that prayer for outward results cannot be answered without a miracle, and that it is unreasonable to suppose that such a multitude of miracles as prayer involves would be wrought every day. We do not deny that prayer may be answered in a supernatural way. But it is most useful that the idea should be entertained that such prayer is usually answered by natural means. By not attending to this men often fail to perceive that prayer has been answered. Let the means be as natural as they may--to those who have eyes to see the finger of God is in them all the same. But to return to the Israelites and the Philistines. The defeat of the Philistines was a very thorough one. The impression thus made on the enemies of Israel corresponds in some degree to the moral influence which God-fearing men sometimes have on an otherwise godless community. In the great awakening at Northampton in Jonathan Edwards’ days there was a complete arrest laid on open forms of vice. And whensoever in a community God’s presence has been powerfully realised, the taverns have been emptied, the gambling table deserted, under the sense of His august majesty. Would only that the character and life of all God’s servants were so truly godlike that their very presence in a community would have a subduing and restraining influence on the wicked!

2. The step taken by Samuel to commemorate this wonderful Divine interposition. (W. G. Blaikie, D. D.)

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