Now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me.

Christians exhorted to consider what answer their ministers will have to return to God concerning them

I. Christian ministers are the messengers of God, and sent on an important errand.

1. They are sent of God.

2. They are sent on an important errand.

II. Ministers are to return an answer to Him that sendeth them.

1. They are to return to their Master.

2. They are to answer as to their own fidelity.

3. They are likewise to return an answer concerning the reception which they themselves met with.

III. It becometh the members of Christian churches seriously to consider what answers their ministers will have to return concerning them. Application.

1. This subject affords some useful instruction to Christian ministers. It should lead them to “magnify their office,” as “the messengers of God.” It should excite their warmest gratitude that they are employed under Christ, on the same errand which brought him into the world. Further, they may learn to deliver their message with all plainness, seriousness, and fidelity.

2. Christian people may derive some useful instruction from these particulars. Learn, then, to be thankful that messengers are sent to you on so kind and gracious an errand. (J. Orton.)

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