And to chasten thyself before thy God.

Soul Discipline

I. Its action on SELF. It is concentration of soul. “Set thy heart” is setting the whole soul to the work.

1. Concentration to spiritual study. “Set thy heart to understand.” To understand what ? Thyself, thy capabilities, thy moral obligations, thy spiritual condition.

2. Concentration to correction. “To chasten thyself.” Quench corrupt lusts, conquer wrong prejudices, expel pernicious errors, etc.

3. Concentrated to devotion. “Before thy God,” doing the whole as under the eye of God. Truthful, earnest, solemn.

II. Its action on GOD. God observes all this soul work. He is interested in it and He is represented as being influenced by it. God here says to Daniel, “Thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.” The idea is, because thou hast been disciplining thy soul, I am come to answer thy prayers. True soul discipline is essential to successful prayer. “If thou prepare thine heart and stretch out thine hands towards him; if iniquity be in thine hand, put it away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles, for there shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear. Because thou shalt forget thy misery and remember it as waters that pass away; and thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning.” (Homilist.)

Thy words were heard.

A Gracious Answer from Heaven

Our text is part of the angel’s address to Daniel

I. THE OCCASION WAS ONE OF DISAPPOINTMENT AND PERPLEXITY. High were the expectations raised by the decree of Cyrus. But year after year passed and no deliverance came.. Then Darnel spent three weeks in retirement, self-denial, and prayer. Mysterious dispensations of providence are permitted to thwart our fair expectations. Adverse changes take place which disappoint our hopes. Wise ends are answered by these trials of our faith and patience. Whenever God tries us, and by whatsoever means, he gives an opportunity for the exercise of graces and virtues, which are thus not only proved but also improved.


1. Inquiry. He did set his heart to understand, that he might find out the path of duty; what to do and what to recommend. If in similar circumstances we search, we shall probably find some errors to be corrected, some negligences and sins to be repented of, some feelings to be humbled for, or some attainments to be pursued, which might have been overlooked or forgotten had not the Almighty arrested us in our career.

2. Humiliation. He chastened himself before his God. His fasting was an outward sign of inward humiliation, and also calculated to promote it. A voluntary devotedness to extraordinary exercises of piety in his judgment was called for by the extraordinary circumstances of the times. And God was pleased to honour his servant by a gracious regard to his offerings.

3. Prayer. “Thy words are heard.” No doubt, words of prayer. In the day of trouble there is a peculiar need and call for prayer. In such reasons we feel most dependent upon God; and then there is often a more than ordinary disposition to pray.

III. THE SUCCESSFUL RESULT. This is described in our text.

1. He is bidden not to fear. No doubt his fears had been strong concerning the execution of the monarch’s decree. In this present world, so full of uncertainty, it is not to be expected that we shall be altogether without our fears as to what may befal us. The best way of soothing the mind is to do as Daniel did, refer the case to God, with humility, prayer, and holy trust.

2. Daniel was assured that his prayers were heard. And this is the privilege of all the devout. His promise to hear their prayers not only denotes attention to them, but acceptance of them.

3. Daniel received divine manifestations in answer to his prayers. He was honoured by the heavenly visitant. Reviewing the whole we find in this subject an instructive comment on the gracious assurance that they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Daniel’s strength was renewed, his courage was revived, his hopes were brightened, when he had waited upon his God. (W. Chaplin.)

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