The heavens do rule.

The All-embracing Providence of God

“The heavens,” emblem of that Divine government that encircles the universe, the all-embracing superintendence of Almighty love.

I. It rules MIND as well as MATTER. The whole material universe, organic and inorganic, from the smallest atom and the tiniest insect, are under its absolute direction. There is no chance in the formation, posture, or motion of any particle of the creation. But “the heavens do rule” mind as well as matter. All the impulses, thoughts, and volitions of every intelligent mind are under Divine control, The “heavens do rule” matter by force, and mind by motive.

II. It rules the MINUTE as well as the VAST. Great and small are relative terms. In the eye of God they have no existence; and what we call little not only influences the great, but reveals as much too of the interest of the Almighty love.

III. It rules the EVIL as well as the GOOD. The “heavens do rule” sinners as well as saints, devils as well as angels. “The wrath of man shall praise Him, and the remainder of wrath He will restrain.”

1. A word to the materialist. Why be so foolish as to regard matter as at once the subject and the sovereign, the ruled and the ruler?

2. A word to the rebellious. Why oppose the Divine? You cannot master the heavens. Their bursting storms will shatter your bark, and kindle lightnings that will scathe you.

3. A word to the Christly. Let faith in the all-embracing Providence inspire you with a heroism which shall brave all enemies, a magnanimity that shall raise you above the crushing power of the greatest trials.

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