What shall we do unto the queen Vashti according to law.

The great advantage of laws

Here let us remark the great advantage of laws. Law is mind without passion; and it is better to have a code of laws, however bad, than to have none but the will of a man. Had the king on this occasion acted according to his passion, it is more than probable that the scene might have terminated more tragically; but he acted “according to law.” Secondly, we see the great advantage of counsel. “In the multitude of counsellors there is safety,” says the wise man. This is more especially the case with those who have the lives, the property, and even the religion of others, to consider and determine upon. What an advantage is it to have for counsellors good men, who hate covetousness, who have the welfare of their country at heart, and especially those who act under the fear of God! (T. McCrie.)

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