So did they.

Obedience to God

I. It must be rendered by the servants of God. “Moses and Aaron.” All men who are called to moral service by God must obey Him.

1. Because He gives them their commands.

2. Because He gives them the power to do so.

3. Because He rewards obedience.

II. It must be co-extensive with their mission.

1. It must be entire.

2. It must be cheerful.

3. It must be holy.

III. It will render their mission effective--

1. Because it will lead to the best mode of service.

2. Because God will delight to honour it. The Divine commands:

(1) Rightfully given.

(2) To be faithfully executed.

(3) To be diligently obeyed. To be supremely regarded. (J. S. Exell, M. A.)

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