Them sent the king an answer.

The temporary triumph of the wicked

I. Examine the letter of the king. This letter suggests--

1. That the subtlety of the wicked frequently obtains a temporary triumph over the good.

2. That one generation frequently suffers through the sins of another and earlier one. The Jews smarted for their sins of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah.

3. That the cause of God is frequently reproached and hindered by the evil conduct of some of its adherents. The rebellions of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were now made use of to asperse the Jews and to stop the work of God. All who love the gospel should therefore walk circumspectly.

II. The action of the Samaritans. “Now when the copy of king Artaxerxes’ letter was read,” etc. Their action was--

1. Prompt.

2. Personal.

3. Powerful.


1. That the temporary triumph of a cause or a party is not a proof of its righteousness. The death and burial of Christ.

2. That we are not competent to judge the relation of the present events to the purpose and providence of the great God. (William Jones.)

Unto the rest beyond the river, Peace.

Peace beyond the river

I. The advent message of the church to sinners is, “Beyond the river, Peace!”, She tells of a promised land and arouses the slaves of sin.

II. Christ is come and with Him peace, but we must go to meet Him.

III. The road thither is hard--We must cross the river of self-denial. A legend says that once a wanderer went to a city, and the first man he met said to him, “Of course you come to see our famous statue?” and each one he met in that town told him of the famous statue; and, moreover, each one prided himself in having something to do with it: this one to guard it; that one to keep it clean, and so forth. As the traveller stood before it he asked, “Who is this?” “Oh! we’ve forgotten his name,” was the reply, “but that’s no matter, it is a splendid statue, and the glory of our town.” Sadly the wanderer turned away, and do you know, dear people, as he went out of the gate some little children cried, “Why, that is the man our famous statue was put up to!” Is it not still possible for men and women to be church-goers and church-workers, to be proud of their Church, and yet the Living Christ passes by unknown? (The Literacy Churchman.).

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