Who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied.

Moral wrong; some of its national phases

Evil, like good, is one in essence, but it has many forms and phases. The branches that grow out of the root, whilst filled with the same sap, vary widely in shape and hue.

I. Drunkenness. This is one of the most loathsome, irrational, and Pernicious forms which it can assume. Drunkenness puts the man or the woman absolutely into the hands of Satan, to do whatsoever he wills.

II. Haughtiness. “Is a proud man.” Babylon became inspired with a haughty insolence. She regarded herself as the queen of the world, and looked down with supercilious contempt upon all the other nations of the earth, even upon the Hebrew People, the heavenly chosen race. Nebuchadnezzar expresses, “the spirit of the kingdom” as well as his own, when he says, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?” It is suggested that their love of wine had much to do in the developing of this haughty spirit. We read, chapter 5th, that Belshazzar at his feast drank wine with the thousands of his lords, his princes, his wives, his concubines.

III. Rapacity. Two things are suggested concerning the rapacious form it assumed in Babylon.

1. It was restless. “Neither keepeth at home.” Not content with its own grandeur, wealth, and luxuries, it goes from home in search of others; goes out into other countries to rifle and to rob.

2. It is insatiable. “Who enlargeth his desire as hell,”--that is, as Sheol the grave,--“and is as death, and cannot be satisfied.” (Homilist.)

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