The time of reformation

The gospel a time of reformation:

Christ then reformed the Law for our sakes, and all things that were in the Old Testament; old things are passed away, and shall we ourselves remain unreformed?

As Christ hath reformed the Law for our salvation, so let us suffer Him to reform us There is a formation, a deformation, and a reformation. The formation was at the first Creation of the world; then God put all things into a good form and order: “He beheld all that He had made, and lo it was good, yea, exceeding good.” After that came a deformation by the Fall of man, and that put all out of order again: upon that a reformation was made.

1. By a general deluge that purged all the earth.

2. By the patriarchs after the Flood.

3. By Moses, when the Law was published in writing.

4. By our Saviour Christ, and that is double: the one at His first coming, the other at the second.

The Spirit of God here entreateth of the first. So that the time of the gospel is the time of reformation. Now especially ought Christians to endeavour a reformation. Every one will take on him to reform the Church: weavers and tailors will enterprise that. The Church is out of order; let that be reformed. But true reformation must begin at ourselves. He that will repair a house must begin at the foundation: so if ye will have a reformation, reform yourselves first: and in the reformation of yourselves begin with the heart: cast out the unclean lusts, the pride, envy, malice, covetousness; afterwards reform your eyes, tongues, hands, and all the members of your body: first wash the inside of the cup and platter, then the outside, else ye will be but whited tombs and painted sepulchres, as the Pharisees were: this is the best order in reforming. First let every man strive to reform himself, the vices whereunto himself is given. In the next place let him reform his family: after that, let every one in his place labour to reform the town wherein he dwells, to rid it of drunkards, of idle persons, to establish good orders in it for the credit of the gospel professed by us. This is the time of reformation, let us all in the fear of God reform ourselves: there shall not be a hair amiss on our head, but we will reform it: if we have a spotted coat or garment, we will reform it: and shall we ourselves remain unreformed? While the time of reformation lasts, let us reform ourselves: death may seize on us ere we be aware, and then it will be too late to reform. (W. Jones, D. D.)

Reformation upon the gospel scheme

I. STATE THE NOTION OF REFORMATION. All things were defective and out of order when our Saviour appeared to set up a new dispensation of grace. But Christ came to fulfil the ancient types, to throw off human impositions, to establish a more pure and spiritual worship and government, and to give a system of doctrines, which, by the power of His Spirit, should make a blessed alteration in the Church and in the world.


1. It represents the atonement of Christ as the ground or basis of reformation.

2. If gives us the most excellent plan of righteousness as the rule of reformation.

3. It leads us to the best means and assistances for reformation.

4. It affords us the strongest motives and encouragements to a reformation. How inviting and engaging are gospel displays of the Divine philanthropy!


1. We should be deeply affected with a sense of the great degeneracies of the age which need to be reformed, and of the rich advantages of the gospel scheme which encourage our hopes of a reformation.

2. We should be earnest in prayer to God for His Spirit to reform us.

3. Every one should be seriously concerned about personal reformation upon the foot of the gospel scheme.

4. We should take the best care and pains we are capable of, in our respective stations, to promote the reformation of others together with ourselves. (J. Guyse, D. D.)

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