They went to Baal-peer, and separated themselves unto that shame.

Sin and separation

The shame here alluded to was idolatry.

I. All sin is shame.

1. It is shame in its commission. People seldom do iniquity in the full blaze of day. They would rather not be seen in its commission. It is shameful to be a sinner; to possess reason and to play the part of an idiot; to have liberty and to act the part of a slave; to be admitted to the arms of a benefactor and then to stab him in return.

2. It is a shame in its consequence. It produces shame. “Thou shalt be confounded,” says God, “because of your shame.” “The wicked shall rise to shame and everlasting contempt.”

II. Sin is separation. Before a man can join the army of sin he must leave the service of God. Hence he separates himself. From what?

1. From the love, protection, guidance, and companionship of his God. What blessings to turn his back upon!

2. From the principles of truth, righteousness, and grace. He becomes another character. All that can exalt him is left behind.

3. From the prospect of future bliss. (Homilist.)

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