For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob

God’s mercy and Israel’s converts

I. THE PRINCIPLE OF GOD’S MORAL GOVERNMENT--Mercy. This people had grievously sinned.

1. They had sinned against light. The direct revelation of heaven had been given to them as a nation

2. They rebelled amid privileges. The Mighty God interfered to protect them from their foes.

3. They had sinned in spite of rebukes and punishments. The rebellious people had been carried captive into a heathen nation.

II. THE CONSTANCY OF DIVINE PURPOSES--“I will yet choose,” etc. Notwithstanding all their rebellion I will yet have mercy on them. Nothing can separate from the love of God.

III. THE RESTORATIVE BLESSEDNESS OF RELIGION. When God takes a man in hand, He restores him. In paradise he was the image and associate of God. Salvation will make him nothing more. Heaven will contain additional elements of joy, but the man will be restored.

IV. THE CONTAGION OF ENTHUSIASM. When the Jews should return, many of the heathen, leaving their own country and their idols, would return along with them. “And the strangers shall be joined with them.” This was part of God’s design in the Captivity. It was not only to punish His people for their sin, but also to render them a blessing to others. God often appoints the afflictions of His people for His own glory, and we must not mourn but rejoice if we are counted worthy of forwarding His cause.

V. THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF RELIGION. It commands affection and regard. It is our duty to render it attractive so as to win others. (Homilist.)

God’s passion to Israel

We have here in nuce the comforting substance of chaps. 40-46. Babylon falls in order that Israel may rise. (F. Delitzsch, D. D.)

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