And He shall spread forth His hands in the midst of them


In Isaiah 25:11 a the figure is Moab, vainly struggling to save himself in the water of the dung pit; in 11 b “he” is, of course, Jehovah, who frustrates the efforts made by Moab.

(Prof. S. R. Driver, D. D.)

Swimming to save

This text represents God as a strong swimmer, striking out to push down iniquity and save the souls of men.

I. OUR RACE IS IN A SINKING CONDITION. You sometimes hear people talking of what they consider the most beautiful words in our language. One man says it is “home,” another man says it is “mother,” another says it is “Jesus”; but I will tell you the bitterest word in all our language, the word saturated with the most trouble, the word that accounts for all the loathsomeness and the pang, and the outrage, and the harrowing; and that word is “Sin.” Give it a fair chance, and it will swamp you, body, mind, and soul forever.

II. THEN WHAT DO WE WANT? A SWIMMER, a strong, swift swimmer! In my text we have Him announced.

1. You have noticed that when a swimmer goes out to rescue anyone he puts off his heavy apparel. And when Christ stepped forth to save us He shook off the sandals of heaven, and His feet were free; He laid aside the robe of eternal royalty, and His arms were free; then He stepped down into the wave of our transgression, and it came up over His wounded feet, and it came above the spear stab in His side--ay, it dashed to the lacerated temple, the high-water mark of His anguish. Then, rising above the flood, “He stretched forth His hands in the midst of them, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim.”

2. If you have ever watched a swimmer, you notice that his whole body is brought into platy. The arms are flexed, the hands drive the water back, the knees are active, the head is tossed back to escape strangulation, the whole body is in propulsion. And when Christ sprang out into the deep to save us He threw His entire nature in it. We were so far out on the sea, and so deep down in the waves, and so far out from the shore, that nothing short of an entire God could save us.

3. If anyone is going to rescue the drowning, he must be independent, self-reliant, able to go alone. When Christ sprang out into the sea to deliver us, He had no life buoy. “Of the people there was none to help.” “All forsook Him and fled.” Oh, it was not a flotilla that sailed down and saved us. It was one Person, independent and alone.

4. When one is in peril, help must come very quickly, or it will be of no use. That is just the kind of relief the sinner wants. The case is urgent, imminent, instantaneous. (T. De Witt Talmage, D. D.)


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